Simple tool which can generate ceylon classes from single deeply-nested json file.
Examples you can find in examples directory
Module is not published to ceylon-herd yet, and has only local installation instructions.
- git
- JDK8 (Ceylon 1.3.3 not working with JDK version >8)
- Ceylon 1.3.3
- ant >= 1.9
You can install jdk, ceylon and ant via SDKMAN
Clone and enter project
git clone /~ json2ceylon
cd json2ceylon
Two main installation methods
- as ceylon module
- as ceylon CLI plugin
Ceylon default installation (publish to USER - local ceylon-repo)
ant publish
Installation as ceylon plugin
ant install-plugin
Usage vary on installation method, and every method has it's strong and weak points.
- Default installation has adantages in help message and cmd options, but requires full module name and named-arguments
- Plugin installation provides more obscure help message, but has more short command
Ceylon default installation usage
json2ceylon - utility, that generates ceylon classes from given json file.
ceylon run ru.qdzo.ceylon.json2ceylon --classname=ClassName --inputfile=file.json --outdir=gen [-d -e]
Available parameters:
--classname (-c) - class name of json root object
--inputfile (-f) - file with json content
--outdir (-o) - directory for generated ceylon classes
--externalizable (-e) - create externalizable class with embedded json parsing/emitting
--debug (-d) - print debug information
Ceylon plugin usage
ceylon json-2-ceylon [--externalizable] input-file output-dir classname
Example: ceylon json-2-ceylon file.json out_dir \"RootClassName\"
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.