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logCiCa 2.0
Olivier Wouters edited this page Jun 21, 2023
1 revision
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%%
flowchart TD
PC{{"fa:fa-landmark Meath producer group"}}
NF{{"fa:fa-landmark Nurney farm"}}
LP{{"fa:fa-landmark Lillyput Delights"}}
NF --> |Member| PC
LP --> |Member| PC
OFN["fa:fa-basket-shopping OFN Ireland fa:fa-globe"] --> |Stall| NFOFN[fa:fa-store Nurney farm OFN stall fa:fa-globe]
T["fa:fa-basket-shopping Trim market"] --> |Stall| NFST[fa:fa-store Nurney farm Trim stall]
T --> |Stall| LPS[fa:fa-store Lillyput Delights Trim stall]
NFS["fa:fa-shop Nurney farm shop"]
NFLS["fa:fa-table Nurney farm special shelf <br/> in local supermarket"]
NFDO["fa:fa-dolly Nurney farm collection <br/> point in Kilmessan"]
NFOFN --> |Distributor| NF
NFS --> |Distributor| NF
NFLS --> |Distributor| NF
NFDO --> |Distributor| NF
NFST --> |Distributor| NF
LPS --> |Distributor| LP
LP --> |Workspace| LPF[["fa:fa-fire Lillyput delights factory"]]
LP --> |Activity| LSP["fa:fa-cog Selling produce"]
LP --> |Activity| LGV["fa:fa-cog Processing food"]
NF --> |Workspace| NFF[["fa:fa-tractor Nurney farm"]]
NF --> |Activity| NSP["fa:fa-cog Selling produce"]
NF --> |Activity| NGV["fa:fa-cog Growing vegetables"]
NF --> |Profile| Woof["fa:fa-user Wwoof host"]
NF --> |Profile| Web["fa:fa-user Website"]
NFF --> |Profile| Organic["fa:fa-user Organic Ireland"]
NFF --> |Profile| Afsca["fa:fa-user Afsca Ireland"]
NF --> |fa:fa-award Processor contribution| LP
LP --> |fa:fa-award Producer contribution| NF
T --> |Profile| Facebook1["fa:fa-user Facebook"]
LP --> |Profile| Facebook2["fa:fa-user Facebook"]
PC --> |Profile| Linked["fa:fa-user Linkedin"]