1 |
Two Sum |
Rust, Java |
bitwise |
2 |
Add Two Numbers |
Rust, Java, Go |
linked_list |
3 |
Longest Substring Without Repeating Char... |
Rust |
sliding_window |
4 |
Median of Two Sorted Arrays |
Rust, Python |
binary_search |
5 |
Longest Palindromic Substring |
Rust, Python |
manacher, suffix_array |
6 |
ZigZag Conversion |
Rust |
7 |
Reverse Integer |
Rust |
8 |
String to Integer (atoi) |
Python |
9 |
Palindromic Number |
Rust |
10 |
Regular Expression Matching |
Python |
11 |
Container With Most Water |
Rust |
12 |
Integer to Roman |
Rust |
13 |
Roman to Integer |
Rust |
14 |
Longest Common Prefix |
Python |
15 |
3Sum |
Python |
two_pointers, two_sum |
16 |
3Sum Closest |
Python |
two_sum |
17 |
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
Rust |
18 |
4Sum |
Python |
two_pointers, two_sum |
19 |
Remove Nth Node From End of List |
Rust |
sliding_window |
20 |
Valid Parentheses |
Python |
stack |
21 |
Merge Two Sorted Lists |
Rust, Python |
22 |
Generate Parentheses |
Python |
backtracking |
23 |
Merge k Sorted Lists |
Python |
24 |
Swap Nodes in Pairs |
Rust |
26 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array |
Rust |
27 |
Remove Element |
Rust |
28 |
Implement strStr() |
Rust, Python |
kmp, dfa |
31 |
Next Permutation |
Python |
33 |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array |
Python |
binary_search |
34 |
Find First and Last Position of Element ... |
Rust |
35 |
Search Insert Position |
Rust |
36 |
Valid Sudoku |
Python |
37 |
Soduku Solver |
Python |
38 |
Count And Say |
Rust |
39 |
Combination Sum |
Python, Rust |
40 |
Combination Sum II |
Python, Rust |
42 |
Trapping Rain Water |
Rust |
44 |
Wildcard Matching |
Python |
45 |
Jump Game II |
Rust |
greedy |
46 |
Permutations |
Rust |
47 |
Permutations II |
Rust |
48 |
Rotate Image |
Rust |
49 |
Group Anagrams |
Rust |
50 |
Pow(x, n) |
Rust |
51 |
N Queens |
Python, Rust |
52 |
N Queens II |
Python, Rust |
53 |
Maximum Subarray |
Rust |
54 |
Spiral Matrix |
Rust |
55 |
Jump Game |
Python |
greedy, dp |
58 |
Length of Last Word |
Rust |
59 |
Spiral Matrix II |
Rust |
60 |
Permutation Sequence |
Python |
62 |
Unique Paths |
Rust, Go |
combination |
63 |
Unique Paths II |
Python |
64 |
Minimum Path Sum |
Python |
65 |
Valid Number |
Rust |
66 |
Plus One |
Rust |
67 |
Add Binary |
C++ |
69 |
Sqrt(x) |
Rust |
70 |
Climb Stairs |
Rust |
fibonacci |
72 |
Edit Distance |
Rust |
73 |
Set Matrix Zeroes |
Rust |
74 |
Search a 2D Matrix |
Rust |
75 |
Sort Colors |
Python |
three_pointers, partition_array |
77 |
Combinations |
Rust |
78 |
Subsets |
Rust |
79 |
Word Search |
Python |
81 |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array II |
Python |
binary_search |
82 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II |
C++ |
83 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List |
C++ |
86 |
Partition List |
Rust |
88 |
Merge Sorted Array |
Rust, Python |
merge_sort |
89 |
Gray Code |
Rust |
90 |
Subsets II |
Python |
91 |
Decode Ways |
Python |
92 |
Reverse Linked List II |
Python |
93 |
Restore IP Addresses |
Rust |
94 |
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal |
Python |
DFS, stack |
98 |
Validate Binary Search Tree |
Rust |
99 |
Recover Binary Search Tree |
Python |
100 |
Same Tree |
Rust |
102 |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal |
Rust, Python |
103 |
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal |
Rust |
104 |
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree |
Rust |
105 |
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal |
Python |
DFS, stack |
106 |
Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal |
Python |
107 |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II |
Rust |
108 |
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree |
Python |
divide_and_conquer |
109 |
Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree |
Python |
divide_and_conquer |
110 |
Balanced Binary Tree |
Python |
divide_and_conquer |
111 |
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree |
Python |
divide_and_conquer, BFS |
114 |
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List |
Python |
118 |
Pascals Triangle |
Python |
119 |
Pascals Triangle II |
Python |
120 |
Triangle |
Rust |
121 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock |
Python |
122 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II |
Python |
123 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III |
Python |
124 |
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum |
Python |
125 |
Valid Palindrome |
Python |
two_pointers |
126 |
Word Ladder II |
Python |
127 |
Word Ladder |
Python |
双向BFS |
128 |
Longest Consecutive Sequence |
Python |
并查集 |
129 |
Sum Root to Leaf Numbers |
Rust |
130 |
Surrounded Regions |
Rust |
133 |
Clone Graph |
Python |
134 |
Gas Station |
Rust |
135 |
Candy |
Rust |
136 |
Single Number |
Rust |
137 |
Single Number II |
Rust |
138 |
Copy List with Random Pointer |
Python |
139 |
Word Break |
Python |
完全背包问题 |
140 |
Word Break II |
Python |
141 |
Linked List Cycle |
Python |
142 |
Linked List Cycle II |
Python |
144 |
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal |
Rust |
145 |
Binary Tree Postorder Traversal |
Python |
DFS, stack |
146 |
LRU Cache |
Python |
double_linked_list, OrderedDict |
147 |
Insertion Sort List |
Rust |
148 |
Sort List |
Rust |
150 |
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation |
Rust |
151 |
Reverse Words in a String |
Rust |
153 |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array |
Python |
binary_search |
154 |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II |
Python |
binary_search |
155 |
Min Stack |
Python |
160 |
Intersection of Two Linked Lists |
Python |
164 |
Maximum Gap |
Rust |
165 |
Compare Version Numbers |
Rust |
167 |
Two Sum II - Input array is sorted |
Python |
two_pointers |
168 |
Excel Sheet Column Title |
Rust |
169 |
Majority Element |
Rust |
170🔒 |
Two Sum III - Data structure design |
Python |
two_pointers |
171 |
Excel Sheet Column Number |
Rust |
172 |
Factorial Trailing Zeroes |
Rust |
173 |
Binary Search Tree Iterator |
Python |
174 |
Dungeon Game |
Rust |
175 |
Combine Two Tables |
176 |
Second Highest Salary |
181 |
Employees Earning More Than Their Managers |
182 |
Duplicate Emails |
183 |
Customers Who Never Order |
sql |
188 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV |
Python |
189 |
Rotate Array |
Rust |
190 |
Reverse Bits |
Rust |
191 |
Number of 1 Bits |
Rust |
198 |
House Robber |
Python |
200 |
Number of Islands |
Python |
special_data_structure.union_find, DFS, BFS |
202 |
Happy Number |
Python |
203 |
Remove Linked List Elements |
Python |
204 |
Count Primes |
Rust |
206 |
Reverse Linked List |
Python, Rust |
208 |
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) |
Rust |
207 |
Course Schedule |
same as 210 |
209 |
Minimum Size Subarray Sum |
Python |
sliding_window |
210 |
Course Schedule II |
Rust, Python |
211 |
Design Add and Search Words.. |
Rust |
212 |
Word Search II |
Python |
前缀树 |
213 |
House Robber II |
Python |
215 |
Kth Largest Element in an Array |
Python |
quick_select, quick_sort, heap |
216 |
Combination Sum III |
Rust |
217 |
Contains Duplicate |
Rust |
219 |
Contains Duplicate II |
Rust |
222 |
Count Complete Tree Nodes |
Rust |
224 |
Basic Calculator |
Rust |
225 |
Implement Stack using Queues |
Python |
226 |
Invert Binary Tree |
Rust |
227 |
Basic Calculator II |
Rust |
228 |
Summary Ranges |
Rust |
230 |
Kth Smallest Element in a BST |
Python |
DFS, stack |
231 |
Power of Two |
Rust |
232 |
Implement Queue using Stacks |
Python |
234 |
Palindrome Linked List |
Rust |
235 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree |
Python |
236 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree |
Python |
divide_and_conquer |
238 |
Product of Array Except Self |
Rust |
239 |
Sliding Window Maximum |
Rust |
240 |
Search a 2D Matrix II |
Python |
242 |
Valid Anagram |
Rust |
257 |
Binary Tree Paths |
Python |
DFS, backtracking |
258 |
Add Digits |
Rust |
260 |
Single Number III |
Rust |
263 |
Ugly Number |
Rust |
264 |
Ugly Number II |
Python |
266🔒 |
Palindrome Permutation |
Python |
greedy |
269🔒 |
Alien Dictionary |
Python |
heapq, topological_sorting |
270🔒 |
Closest Binary Search Tree Value |
Python |
272🔒 |
Closest Binary Search Tree Value II |
Python |
278 |
First Bad Version |
Rust |
279 |
Perfect Squares |
Rust |
283 |
Move Zeros |
Rust |
287 |
Find the Duplicate Number |
Python |
快慢双指针 |
290 |
Word Pattern |
Rust |
291🔒 |
Word Pattern II |
Python |
292 |
Nim Game |
Rust |
295 |
Find Median from Data Stream |
Rust |
297 |
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree |
Python |
serialize |
300 |
Longest Increasing Subsequence |
Python |
接龙型动态规划 |
302🔒 |
Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels |
Python |
303 |
Range Sum Query - Immutable |
Rust |
304 |
Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable |
Rust |
307 |
Range Sum Query - Mutable |
Python |
309 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown |
Python |
311🔒 |
Sparse Matrix Multiplication |
Rust |
312 |
Burst Balloons |
Rust |
322 |
Coin Change |
Rust |
326 |
Power of Three |
Rust |
328 |
Odd Even Linked List |
Python |
337 |
House Robber III |
Python |
338 |
Counting Bits |
Rust |
341 |
Flatten Nested List Iterator |
Rust |
342 |
Power of Four |
Rust |
343 |
Integer Break |
Python |
划分类DP |
344 |
Reverse String |
Rust |
345 |
Reverse Vowels of a String |
Rust |
347 |
Top K Frequent Elements |
Rust |
349 |
Intersection of Two Arrays |
Python |
350 |
Intersection of Two Arrays II |
Python |
354 |
Russian Doll Envelopes |
Python |
355 |
Design Twitter |
Rust |
359🔒 |
Logger Rate Limiter |
Rust |
367 |
Valid Perfect Square |
Rust |
368 |
Largest Divisible Subset |
Python |
369🔒 |
Plus One Linked List |
Rust |
371❌ |
Sum of Two Integers |
Python |
binary_addition |
374 |
Guess Number Higher Or Lower |
Rust |
377 |
Combination Sum IV |
Rust |
380 |
Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) |
Python |
381 |
Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed |
Python |
383 |
Ransom Note |
Rust |
386 |
Lexicographical Numbers |
Rust |
387 |
First Unique Character in a String |
Rust |
389 |
Find The Difference |
Rust |
398 |
Random Pick Index |
Rust |
404 |
Sum of Left Leaves |
Rust |
406 |
Queue Reconstruction by Height |
Rust |
409 |
Longest Palindrome |
Python |
dp(greedy) |
412 |
Fizz Buzz |
Rust |
413 |
Arithmetic Slices |
Rust |
415 |
Add String |
C++ |
416 |
Partition Equal Subset Sum |
Python |
0-1背包问题 |
426 |
Longest Repeating Character Replacement |
Python |
429 |
N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal |
C++ |
448 |
Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array |
Rust |
449 |
Serialize and Deserialize BST |
Python |
DFS, stack |
451 |
Sort Characters By Frequency |
Rust |
454 |
4Sum II |
Rust |
455 |
Assign Cookies |
Rust |
457 |
Circular Array Loop |
Rust |
461 |
Hamming Distance |
Rust |
463 |
Island Perimeter |
Rust |
470 |
impl rand10 using rand7 |
Rust |
474 |
Ones and Zeroes |
Python |
完全背包问题 |
477 |
Total Hamming Distance |
Rust |
480 |
Sliding Window Median |
Rust |
485 |
Max Consecutive Ones |
Rust |
486 |
Validate IP Address |
Rust |
490🔒 |
The Maze |
Rust |
494 |
Target Sum |
Python |
0-1背包问题 |
498 |
Diagonal Traverse |
Rust |
500 |
Keyboard Row |
Rust |
503 |
Next Greater Element II |
Rust |
504 |
Base 7 |
Rust |
507 |
Perfect Number |
Rust |
509 |
Fibonacci Number |
Rust |
514 |
Freedom Trail |
Rust |
515 |
Find Largest Value... |
Rust |
518 |
Coin Change 2 |
Rust |
523 |
Continuous Subarray Sum |
Rust |
525 |
Contiguous Array |
Rust |
535 |
Encode and Decode TinyURL |
very_easy |
536🔒 |
Construct Binary Tree from String |
Python |
538 |
Convert BST to Greater Tree |
Python |
540 |
Single Element in a Sorted Array |
Rust |
541 |
Reverse String II |
Rust |
547 |
Friend Circles |
Rust |
554 |
Brick Wall |
Rust |
557 |
Reverse Words in a String III |
Rust |
559 |
Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree |
C++ |
566 |
Reshape the Matrix |
Rust |
575 |
Distribute Candies |
Rust |
589 |
N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal |
Python |
590 |
N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal |
Python |
593 |
Valid Square |
Rust |
595 |
Big Countries |
sql |
606 |
Construct String from Binary Tree |
Python |
617 |
Merge Two Binary Trees |
Rust |
605 |
Can Place Flowers |
Rust |
610🔒 |
Triangle Judgement |
611 |
Valid Triangle Number |
Rust |
613🔒 |
Shortest Distance in a Line |
620 |
Not Boring Movies |
625🔒 |
Minimum Factorization |
Python |
greedy |
627 |
Swap Salary |
628 |
Maximum Product of Three Numbers |
Rust |
633 |
Average of Levels in Binary Tree |
Python |
643 |
Maximum Average Subarray I |
Rust |
645 |
Set Mismatch |
Rust |
650 |
2 Keys Keyboard |
Rust |
653 |
Tow Sum IV - Input is a BST |
Python |
657 |
Robot Return to Origin |
Rust |
658 |
Find K Closest Elements |
Rust, Python |
binary_search |
661 |
Image Smoother |
Rust |
669 |
Trim A Binary Search Tree |
Python |
674 |
Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence |
Python |
680 |
Valid Palindrome II |
Python |
two_pointers, greedy |
682 |
Baseball Game |
Rust |
690 |
Employee Importance |
java |
692 |
Top K Frequent Words |
Rust |
693 |
Binary Number With Alternating Bits |
Rust |
695 |
Max Area of Island |
Rust |
696 |
Count Binary Substrings |
Rust |
700 |
Search in a Binary Search Tree |
Rust |
702🔒 |
Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size |
Python |
binary_search_first, 倍增法 |
703 |
Kth Largest Element in a Stream |
Rust |
704 |
Binary Search |
Rust |
705 |
Design HashSet |
Python |
706 |
Design HashMap |
Python |
709 |
To Lower Case |
Rust |
713 |
1-bit and 2-bit Characters |
Rust |
714 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee |
Python |
716🔒 |
Max Stack |
Python |
724 |
Find Pivot Index |
Rust |
728 |
Self Dividing Numbers |
Rust |
743 |
Network Delay Time |
Rust |
746 |
Min Cost Climbing Stairs |
Rust |
760🔒 |
Find Anagram Mappings |
Rust |
763 |
Partition Labels |
Rust |
766 |
Toeplitz Matrix |
Rust |
771 |
Jewels and Stones |
Rust |
787 |
Cheapest Flights Within K Stops |
Rust |
788 |
Rotated Digits |
Rust |
796 |
Rotate String |
Python |
Rabin-Karp(rolling_hash), kmp |
797 |
All Paths From Source to Target |
Rust |
807 |
Max Increase to Keep City Skyline |
Rust |
830 |
Positions of Large Groups |
Rust |
832 |
Flipping an Image |
Rust |
841 |
Keys and Rooms |
Rust |
844 |
Backspace String Compare |
Rust |
845 |
Longest Mountain in Array |
Python |
mountain_array |
852 |
Peak Index in a Mountain Array |
Rust |
860 |
Lemonade Change |
Rust |
861 |
Score After Flipping Matrix |
Python |
greedy |
867 |
Transpose Matrix |
Rust, Go |
869 |
Reordered Power of 2 |
Python |
permutation |
872 |
Leaf Similar Trees |
Rust |
875 |
Koko Eating Bananas |
Python |
876 |
Middle of the Linked List |
Rust |
877 |
Stone Game |
Rust |
881 |
Boats to Save People |
Rust |
887 |
Super Egg Drop |
Rust |
888 |
Fair Candy Swap |
Rust |
889 |
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder... |
Python |
905 |
Sort Array By Parity |
Rust |
912 |
Sort An Array |
Python |
914 |
Partition Array Into Disjoint... |
Rust |
922 |
Sort Array By Parity II |
Rust |
925 |
Long Pressed Name |
Rust |
930 |
Binary Subarrays With Sum |
Rust |
938 |
Range Sum of BST |
Rust |
941 |
Valid Mountain Array |
Python |
mountain_array |
942 |
DI String Match |
Rust |
944 |
Delete Columns to Make Sorted |
Rust |
950 |
Reveal Cards In Increasing Order |
Rust |
953 |
Verifying an Alien Dictionary |
Python |
961 |
N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array |
Rust |
965 |
Univalued Binary Tree |
Rust |
973 |
K Closest Points to Origin |
Rust |
quick_select |
976 |
Largest Perimeter Triangle |
Rust |
977 |
Squares of a Sorted Array |
Rust |
989 |
Add to Array-Form of Integer |
Rust |
993 |
Cousins In Binary Tree |
Rust |
1002 |
Find Common Characters |
Rust |
1006 |
Clumsy Factorial |
Rust |
1018 |
Binary Prefix Divisible By 5 |
Rust |
1030 |
Matrix Cells in Distance Order |
Rust |
1038 |
Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree |
Python |
1046 |
Last Stone Weight |
Python |
1049 |
Last Stone Weight II |
Python |
0-1背包问题 |
1051 |
Height Checker |
Rust |
1068🔒 |
Product Sales Analysis I |
1069🔒 |
Product Sales Analysis II |
1079 |
Letter Tile Possibilities/ |
Rust |
1089 |
Duplicate Zeros |
Rust |
1095 |
Find in Mountain Array |
Python |
binary_search, mountain_array |
1099🔒 |
Two Sum Less Than K |
Python |
two_pointers |
1108 |
Defanging an IP Address |
Rust |
1128 |
Number of Equivalent Domino Pairs |
Rust |
1109 |
Corporate Flight Bookings |
Rust |
1119🔒 |
Remove Vowels from a String |
Rust |
1134🔒 |
Armstrong Number |
Rust |
1143 |
Longest Common Subsequence |
Python |
1160 |
Find Words That Can Be Formed by Ch... |
Rust |
1167🔒 |
Minimum Cost To Connect Sticks |
Rust |
1180🔒 |
Count Substrings with Only One Distinct Letter |
Rust |
1189 |
Maximum Number of Balloons |
Rust |
1207 |
Unique Number of Occurrences |
Rust |
1213🔒 |
Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays |
Rust |
1221 |
Split a String In.. |
Rust |
1226 |
The Dining Philosophers |
C++ |
1227 |
Airplane Seat Assignment Probability |
Rust |
1232 |
Check If It Is a Straight Line |
Rust |
1248 |
Count Number of Nice Subarrays |
Rust |
1251🔒 |
Average Selling Price |
1252 |
Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix |
Rust |
1260 |
Shift 2D Grid |
Rust |
1265🔒 |
Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse |
C |
1266 |
Minimum Time Visiting All Points |
Rust |
1269 |
Number of Ways to Stay in the Same... |
Rust |
1281 |
Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits... |
Rust |
1282 |
Group the people... |
Rust |
1295 |
Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits |
Rust |
1299 |
Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right... |
Rust |
1302 |
Deepest Leaves Sum |
Rust |
1303🔒 |
Find the Team Size |
1313 |
Decompress Run-Length Encoded List |
Python |
1329 |
Sort The Matrix Diagonally |
Rust |
1331 |
Rank Transform Of An Array |
Rust |
1337 |
The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix |
Rust |
1342 |
Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero |
Rust |
1346 |
Check If N and Its Double Exist |
Rust |
1351 |
Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix |
Rust |
1356 |
Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits |
Rust |
1365 |
How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number |
Rust |
1370 |
Increasing Decreasing String |
Rust |
1374 |
Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts |
Rust |
1379 |
Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree ... |
Python |
1380 |
Lucky Numbers in a Matrix |
Rust |
1389 |
Create Target Array in the Given Order |
Rust |
1395 |
Count Number of Teams |
Rust |
1403 |
Minimum Subsequence... |
Rust |
1409 |
Queries on a Permutation With Key |
Rust |
1418 |
Display Table Of Food Order.. |
Rust |
1429🔒 |
First Unique Number |
Python |
1431 |
Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies |
Rust |
1436 |
Destination City |
Rust |
1441 |
Build An Array With Stack Op... |
Rust |
1445🔒 |
Apples Oranges |
1450 |
Number of Students Doing Homework at ... |
Rust |
1464 |
Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array |
Rust |
1470 |
Shuffle the Array |
Rust |
1475 |
Final Prices With a Special Discount... |
Rust |
1476 |
Subrectangle Queries |
Rust |
1480 |
Running Sum of 1d Array |
Rust |
1486 |
XOR Operation in an Array |
Rust, Racket |
1502 |
Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence |
Rust |
1512 |
Number of Good Pairs |
Rust |
1528 |
Shuffle String |
Rust |
1534 |
Count Good Triplets |
Rust |
1551 |
Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal |
Rust |
1570 |
Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors |
Rust |
1572 |
Matrix Diagonal Sum |
Rust |
1576 |
Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive ... |
Rust |
1577 |
Number of Ways Where Square of ... |
Rust |
1578 |
Minimum Deletion Cost to Avoid Repeating ... |
Rust |
1582 |
Special Positions in a Binary Matrix |
Rust |
1584 |
Min Cost to Connect All Points |
Rust |
1588 |
Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays |
Rust |
1592 |
Rearrange Spaces Between Words |
Rust |
1598 |
Crawler Log Folder |
Rust |
1601 |
Design Parking System |
Rust |
1614 |
Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses |
Rust |
1619 |
Mean Of Array... |
Rust |
1636 |
Sort Array by Increasing Frequency |
Rust |
1637 |
Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points ... |
Rust |
1640 |
Check Array Formation Through Concatenation |
Rust |
1641 |
Count Sorted Vowel... |
Rust |
1646 |
Get Maximum In Gen... |
Rust |
1656 |
Design an Ordered Stream |
Rust |
1658 |
Defuse The Bomb |
Rust |
1662 |
Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent |
Rust |
1668 |
Maximum Repeating Substring |
Rust |
1672 |
Richest Customer Wealth |
Rust |
1678 |
Goal Parser Interpretation |
Rust |
1683🔒 |
Invalid Tweets |
1684 |
Count the Number of Consistent Strings |
Rust |
1688 |
Count of Matches in Tournament |
Rust |
1694 |
Reformat Phone Number |
Rust |
1700 |
Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch |
Rust |
1704 |
Determine If String... |
Rust |
1710 |
Maximum Units on a Truck |
Rust |
1711 |
Count Good Meals |
Rust |
1716 |
Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank |
Rust |
1720 |
Decode XORed Array |
Rust |
1725 |
Number Of Rectangles That Can ... |
Rust |
1732 |
Find the Highest Altitude |
Rust |
1736 |
Latest Time by Replacing ... |
Rust |
1741🔒 |
Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee |
1742 |
Maximum Number of Ball... |
Rust |
1744 |
Can You Eat Your Favorite Candy... |
Rust |
1748 |
Sum of Unique Elements |
Rust |
1752 |
Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated |
Rust |
1753 |
Maximum Score From Removing Stones |
Rust |
1754 |
Largest Merge Of Two Strings |
Rust |
1773 |
Count Items Matching a Rule |
Rust |
1779 |
Find Nearest... |
Rust |
1790 |
Check if One String Swap Can Make String... |
Rust |
1791 |
Find Center of Star Graph |
Rust |
1796 |
Second Largest... |
Rust |
1805 |
Number Of Diff... |
Rust |
1812 |
Determine Color... |
Rust |
1816 |
Truncate Sentence |
Rust |
1822 |
Sign Of The Product... |
Rust |
1828 |
Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle |
Rust |
1832 |
Check if the Sentence Is Pangram |
Rust |
1833 |
Maximum Ice Cream Bars |
Rust |
1834 |
Single Threaded Cpu |
Rust |
1837 |
Sum of Digits in Base K |
Rust |
1839 |
Longest Substring Of All Vowels in Order |
Rust |
1844 |
Replace All Digits with Characters |
Rust |
1845 |
Seat Reservation Manager |
Rust |
1848 |
Minimum Distance to the...t |
Rust |
1854 |
Maximum Population Year |
Rust |
1863 |
Sum of All Subset XOR Totals |
Rust |
1877 |
Minimize Maximum Pair... |
Rust |
1880 |
Check if Word Equals... |
Rust |
1893 |
Check if All The Integer... |
Rust |
1913 |
Maximum Product Diff... |
Rust |
1920 |
Build Array from Permutation |
Rust |
1925 |
Count Square Sum Triples |
Rust |
1929 |
Concatenation of Array |
Rust |
1952 |
Three Divisors |
Rust |
1984 |
Minimum Difference Between... |
Rust |
1985 |
Find The Kth Large... |
Rust |
1995 |
Count Special Quadruplets |
Rust |
2000 |
Count Special Quadruplets |
Rust |
2011 |
Find Value Of... |
Rust |
2027 |
Minimum moves... |
Rust |
2032 |
Two Out Of Three |
Rust |
2042 |
Check If Numbers... |
Rust |
2057 |
Smallest Index With Equal Value |
Rust |
2114 |
Maximum Number of... |
Rust |
2169 |
Count Operations to Obtain Zero |
Rust |
2180 |
Count Integer... |
Rust |
2283 |
Check If Number... |
Rust |
2299 |
Strong Password Checker II |
Rust |
2319 |
Check If Matrix... |
Rust |
2325 |
Decode The Message |
Rust |
2331 |
Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree |
Rust |
2335 |
Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups |
Rust |
2341 |
Maximum number of... |
Rust |
2347 |
Best Poker Hand |
Rust |
2357 |
Make Array... |
Rust |
2367 |
Number Of... |
Rust |
2404 |
Most Fre... |
Rust |
2413 |
Smallest Even... |
Rust |
2441 |
Largest Positive... |
Rust |
2455 |
Average... |
Rust |
2469 |
Convert The... |
Rust |
2490 |
Circular Sentence |
Rust |
2600 |
K Items... |
Rust |