A command line interface to Spotify on Linux.
If you're using macOS, see spotify-cli-macos.
pip install spotify-cli-linux
hint #1: if you encounter problems during installation, try to call command with sudo
hint #2: if you still have problems (e.g. with resolving project dependencies), try to call pip3
instead of pip
if you have any problems with pip
or pip3
, you can try to install the script in the alternative way as a workaround:
git clone git@github.com:pwittchen/spotify-cli-linux.git
cd spotify-cli-linux
sudo cp spotifycli/spotifycli.py /usr/local/bin/spotifycli
pip install spotify-cli-linux --upgrade
for the upgrade, you can apply the same hints like for installation
start the official Spotify desktop app
run the following command from your terminal:
use one of the following parameters:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version shows version number
--status shows song name and artist
--statusshort shows status in a short way
--statusposition shows song name and artist, with current playback position
--song shows the song name
--songshort shows the song name in a short way
--artist shows artists name
--artistshort shows artist name in a short way
--album shows album name
--arturl shows album image url
--lyrics shows lyrics for the song playing
--playbackstatus shows playback status
--position shows song position
--play plays the song
--pause pauses the song
--playpause plays or pauses the song (toggles a state)
--next plays the next song
--prev plays the previous song
--songuri OPENURI plays the track at the provided Uri
--listuri OPENURI plays the playlist at the provided Uri
--client CLIENT sets client's dbus name
if you don't use any parameters, you'll enter the shell mode, where you'll be able to use all commands mentioned above
When, you're missing lyricwikia
dependency, run the following command:
pip install lyricwikia
If you want to use this script in your tmux panel, you can check tmux-plugin-spotify.
to install necessary tools for code formatting, static code analysis and releasing, run:
make requirements
Source code should be formatted according to PEP8 style guides.
To format code, run:
make format
to verify code formatting, type:
make checkformat
To run static code analysis, execute:
make lint
to update docs on gh-pages
, type:
make docs
to run docs locally, type:
git checkout gh-pages && ./serve.sh
and view page with docs at:
view it on-line at https://pwittchen.github.io/spotify-cli-linux
currently release is automated via deploy.yml
GitHub Action, but it can be done manually too
configure your ~/.pypirc
file as follows:
index-servers =
username = __token__
then, update version in spotifycli/version.py
and spotifycli/spotifycli.py
and type:
make release
note: Version is not kept in a single file due to problems with importing files within another file and distributing them to PyPi. There are also Python vesion issues. If you know how to fix this issue properly to keep version in one place, I'd be happy to review your PR :-).