Demo Bank REST spring boot application.
Application allows check balance, increase and decrease balance and generates one-time passwords using
aerogear-otp-java library /~
. Token is valid about 40s.
The application can be started by issuing the following command in the command line:
on mac/linux:
./gradlew clean bootRun
on windows:
.\gradlew clean bootRun
Ensure you have correct JAVA_HOME path.
To stop the service (when it is running with gradle bootRun
) use Control-C.
- Install Lombok, MapStruct plugins under File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Browse repositories... search for the Lombok, MapStruct and install them all.
- Check the Enable annotation processing checkbox under File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors.
Tests can be run by the following command in the command line:
on mac/linux:
./gradlew clean test
on windows:
.\gradlew clean test
Ensure you have correct JAVA_HOME path.
GET /balance/user/<userId>
GET /history/user/<userId>
POST /balance/increase/user/<userId>
POST /balance/decrease/user/<userId>
POST /tokens/user/<userId>