So where to start. I was tasked by my employer to create a template library for the mountains of html emails that I build. This of course, is part of a much larger team showcase package. So at the same time we need something for our final Code Louisville Project, so I need to double down and see what I can make of this.
The goal of this project is to just get started, sort of stand this up as it were. It's not totally fancy yet because I really want to see if I can make these elements work.
At this moment I want to have a fixed header and footer but further down if those items are to be fixed I would like to include more useful information. But not today. Not yet. Now, for the body, I would like to tab it. That may change later. For the moment I find it useful in holding to a simple environment for the user to browse.
- The browse button on the header.
- Newsletter, NOtice and Event blocks on Home Tab
- The image library images
- The images are housed on dropbox, so I could pull a url, so they are loading slow.
- I am having issues with break points on mobile
- The body layout is blocky in comparison to the header, so I am looking forward to closing those gaps
- For a reason I have yet to reach the solution as to why my block nav buttons on my Home tab are not filling out the section in mobile
- DO NOT USE Internet Explorer
- Go to GitHub & BitBucket HTML Preview
- Input this url: /~
I've been pulling from several areas, some from what I've collected through Treehouse and Slack MDN, Bootstrap, others from my history of learning on my own, like