If you are after examples of a certain Behat functionality (e.g. tabular data in test code), this repo could be useful.
This repo serves as an accessory to an article I have written about Behat. That article is a brain dump of my Behat knowledge.
The code in this repo tries to demonstrate as many ways you can write Behat test code as possible. In my article, I have introduced various Behat concepts in seven stages. The test suites in this repo corresponds with those stages. Following topics are covered:
Test suite | Topics |
Stage 1 | How to connect Gherkin steps with PHP step definitions. |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3,4,5 |
Stage 6 | Multiple features in a single test suite. |
The code in stage 6 suffers from code repetition. I took this opportunity to demonstrate the use of Behat profiles. I have created three profiles which override stage 6 from the default profile in three different ways all of which avoid code repetition:
Test suite | Topics |
Trait stage | We use PHP traits to avoid code repetition. |
Service stage | We create a service class that contains the common functionality and rely on Behat's built-in service container to pass it to our PHP class constructors. |
Service autowire stage | Same as the service stage, but we rely on service autowiring. |
If you are after Behat examples of a certain type, the previous two tables should guide you to the right test suite.
$ git clone /~https://github.com/progga/behat-in-stages.git
$ cd behat-in-stages/
$ cp .env.dist .env # Optional step. See Configuration notes below.
$ composer install
$ composer create-project --stability dev --no-interaction --no-dev drupal-composer/drupal-project behat-test-target
$ cd behat-test-target/
$ ./vendor/bin/drush --yes site-install --db-url=sqlite:///path/to/behat-test.sqlite --account-pass=RANDOM-PASSWD
$ cp /path/to/behat-test.sqlite /path/to/behat-in-stages/tests/test-db/behat-test.sqlite
$ ./vendor/bin/drush runserver
- The admin password for the Drupal site must go into the behat-in-stages/.env file. Alternatively, you can drop the .env file and provide it through the BEHAT_DRUPAL_ADMIN_PASSWD environment variable.
- The provided behat.yml file uses /dev/shm/ to store the Drupal site's password. This only works in GNU/Linux where /dev/shm is a memory backed file system with quicker access. On other Operating systems, use a different path and update behat.yml accordingly.
$ cd behat-in-stages/
$ composer test
$ cd behat-in-stages/
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --profile=dry-with-traits
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --profile=dry-with-services
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --profile=dry-with-autowired-services
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --suite=stage-two --stop-on-failure # Test only stage-two
- Behat: 3.4
- PHP: 5.6 or 7.x
- PHP extensions: curl, gd, pdo-sqlite, sqlite3
- composer: 1.6+
- SQLite: 3.x