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Behat in stages

If you are after examples of a certain Behat functionality (e.g. tabular data in test code), this repo could be useful.

This repo serves as an accessory to an article I have written about Behat. That article is a brain dump of my Behat knowledge.


The code in this repo tries to demonstrate as many ways you can write Behat test code as possible. In my article, I have introduced various Behat concepts in seven stages. The test suites in this repo corresponds with those stages. Following topics are covered:

Test suite Topics
Stage 1 How to connect Gherkin steps with PHP step definitions.
Stage 2
  • Extracting arguments from steps.
  • Use of optional words and regular expressions.
  • Use of @Transform methods to transform arguments.
Stage 3,4,5
  • Hook methods.
  • Use of multiline strings as arguments.
  • Use of tabular data in Gherkin steps and their use as arguments in PHP step definitions.
  • Scenario outline.
  • Testing a web application using Mink and Goutte.
Stage 6 Multiple features in a single test suite.

The code in stage 6 suffers from code repetition. I took this opportunity to demonstrate the use of Behat profiles. I have created three profiles which override stage 6 from the default profile in three different ways all of which avoid code repetition:

Test suite Topics
Trait stage We use PHP traits to avoid code repetition.
Service stage We create a service class that contains the common functionality and rely on Behat's built-in service container to pass it to our PHP class constructors.
Service autowire stage Same as the service stage, but we rely on service autowiring.

If you are after Behat examples of a certain type, the previous two tables should guide you to the right test suite.


Behat project

$ git clone /~
$ cd behat-in-stages/
$ cp .env.dist .env  # Optional step. See Configuration notes below.
$ composer install

Test target (a fresh Drupal site)

$ composer create-project --stability dev --no-interaction --no-dev drupal-composer/drupal-project behat-test-target
$ cd behat-test-target/
$ ./vendor/bin/drush --yes site-install --db-url=sqlite:///path/to/behat-test.sqlite --account-pass=RANDOM-PASSWD
$ cp /path/to/behat-test.sqlite /path/to/behat-in-stages/tests/test-db/behat-test.sqlite
$ ./vendor/bin/drush runserver


  • The admin password for the Drupal site must go into the behat-in-stages/.env file. Alternatively, you can drop the .env file and provide it through the BEHAT_DRUPAL_ADMIN_PASSWD environment variable.
  • The provided behat.yml file uses /dev/shm/ to store the Drupal site's password. This only works in GNU/Linux where /dev/shm is a memory backed file system with quicker access. On other Operating systems, use a different path and update behat.yml accordingly.

Test execution

$ cd behat-in-stages/
$ composer test


$ cd behat-in-stages/
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --profile=dry-with-traits
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --profile=dry-with-services
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --profile=dry-with-autowired-services
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --suite=stage-two --stop-on-failure # Test only stage-two

Software versions used

  • Behat: 3.4
  • PHP: 5.6 or 7.x
  • PHP extensions: curl, gd, pdo-sqlite, sqlite3
  • composer: 1.6+
  • SQLite: 3.x


Simplified BSD licence.


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