Hey there. Whats up?
I'm Maria!
(Ainda trabalhando neste readme do perfil www)
- 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷
- 🔖 15 Yo
- 🎂 21 / ago
- 📚 High School Student
- 🎨 I draw sometimes
- 🎮 Favorite games: Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew valley, and others ww
- 💻🖱️ I'm studying front-end in Alura
📝 Email:
Click here to show!
- 🧩 Programming logic − I e II;
- 💬 HTML5 and CSS3 − I, II, III e IV;
- 📦 FlexBox;
- 📱 Responsive Layouts;
- 🧱 CSS Grid;
- 📂 CSS Architecture;
🅱️ Bootstrap;- 🔣 Styleguides.
HTTP: Understanding the web behind the scenes;
- 🟦 JavaScript: Programming in the web language - current;
- ... more in the future!