Current available solutions to find Brazilian addresses by zipcode use an HTML form from Correios web site website to perform it, instead of to use a real API.
The old solution works with an HTTP request to the form, followed by parsing HTML result page. The huge problem here is when the Correios web site development team decides to modify some HTML element in the result page, even a layout update, it will break the parser logic for result.
Correios CEP gem solves this problem, retrieving data directly from Correios database.
gem 'correios-cep'
$ gem install correios-cep
require 'correios-cep'
# With "get" instance method
finder =
address = finder.get('54250610')
# With "get" class method
address = Correios::CEP::AddressFinder.get('54250610')
address # =>
:address => 'Rua Fernando Amorim',
:neighborhood => 'Cavaleiro',
:city => 'Jaboatão dos Guararapes',
:state => 'PE',
:zipcode => '54250610',
:complement => ''
All the configurations are set using Correios::CEP
For default, the timeout for a request to Correios Web Service is 5 seconds. If Correios Web Service does not respond, a HTTP::TimeoutError
exception will be raised.
Correios::CEP.configure do |config|
config.request_timeout = 3 # It configures timeout to 3 seconds
If you need to use an HTTP proxy to HTTP requests, configure HTTP proxy URL.
Correios::CEP.configure do |config|
config.proxy_url = ''
From 0.7.0
version, there is no more default logger, and the log level will be the same of the given logger.
Correios::CEP.configure do |config|
config.logger = Rails.logger
Correios::CEP.configure do |config|
config.logger = Rails.logger
config.request_timeout = 3 # seconds
Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim (prodis)
See the contributing guide.
Correios CEP gem is released under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file.