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Non binary gender selection
First, I want to say that this tutorial is not originally mine. The tutorial in its original binary form was originally done by Mateo, adapted by veganlies2me, and edited by DavidWhite-Vulpin, me, and mirko93s.
I would strongly recommend to implement the picture system improvement tutorial and the tutorial on how to free some space in the Home BANK.
If you end up having issues with Bank 1E
being too full, you may take a look at the corresponding tutorial.
I can't guarantee that doing so will make everything work smoothly, but I can almost guarantee that not doing that is very likely to give you some memory-related errors.
First thing you have to do is to add the graphics for the other genders (welp, ok, the very first thing is probably to draw said graphic, but that's beyond the scope of this tutorial): the front sprite, the back sprite, the walking sprites, the cycling sprites, and the fishing sprites. In the following we'll use "Green" for the female character and "Yellow" for the enby one. Then insert them in these folders:
/gfx/player/green.png (front sprite)
/gfx/player/greenb.png (back sprite)
/gfx/player/yellow.png (front sprite)
/gfx/player/yellowb.png (back sprite)
/gfx/sprites/green.png (walking sprites)
/gfx/sprites/green_bike.png (cycling sprites)
/gfx/sprites/yellow.png (walking sprites)
/gfx/sprites/yellow_bike.png (cycling sprites)
(fishing sprites)
Now we have to include the sprites.
Open gfx/player.asm
and modify the following:
RedPicFront:: INCBIN "gfx/player/red.pic"
+GreenPicFront:: INCBIN "gfx/player/green.pic"
+YellowPicFront:: INCBIN "gfx/player/yellow.pic"
ShrinkPic1:: INCBIN "gfx/player/shrink1.pic"
ShrinkPic2:: INCBIN "gfx/player/shrink2.pic"
Then open gfx/pics.asm
and modify it as follows:
RedPicBack:: INCBIN "gfx/player/redb.pic"
+GreenPicBack:: INCBIN "gfx/player/greenb.pic"
+YellowPicBack:: INCBIN "gfx/player/yellowb.pic"
OldManPicBack:: INCBIN "gfx/battle/oldmanb.pic"
ProfOakPicBack:: INCBIN "gfx/battle/prof.oakb.pic"
After following the aforementioned tutorial about improving the picture system, I created this Section just for the backpics, but the system is now quite flexible and you can modify it according to your needs. Whatever you do, keep these five backsprites together in the same Section.
Then, open gfx/sprites.asm
and add these lines of code:
RedBikeSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/red_bike.2bpp"
RedSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/red.2bpp"
+GreenBikeSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/green_bike.2bpp"
+GreenSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/green.2bpp"
+YellowBikeSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/yellow_bike.2bpp"
+YellowSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/yellow.2bpp"
It is important that Red's, Green's, and Yellow's sprites are in the same Section. This may give you memory issues; I solved them by moving all sprites between Lance and Seel included to a new Section:
BrunetteGirlSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/brunette_girl.2bpp"
OfficerJennySprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/officer_jenny.2bpp"
JamesSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/james.2bpp"
+SECTION "NPC Sprites 4", ROMX
LanceSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/lance.2bpp"
SeelSprite:: INCBIN "gfx/sprites/seel.2bpp"
Now open gfx/fishing.asm
and add:
RedFishingTilesFront: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/red_fish_front.2bpp"
RedFishingTilesBack: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/red_fish_back.2bpp"
RedFishingTilesSide: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/red_fish_side.2bpp"
RedFishingRodTiles: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/fishing_rod.2bpp"
+GreenFishingTilesFront: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/green_fish_front.2bpp"
+GreenFishingTilesBack: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/green_fish_back.2bpp"
+GreenFishingTilesSide: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/green_fish_side.2bpp"
+YellowFishingTilesFront: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/yellow_fish_front.2bpp"
+YellowFishingTilesBack: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/yellow_fish_back.2bpp"
+YellowFishingTilesSide: INCBIN "gfx/overworld/yellow_fish_side.2bpp"
Alright! We included the graphics, but we need to make use of them, to add the option to not be a boy.
We'll start by editing an unused text box to suit our needs. This is done in two steps (both of them are brand-new of this tutorial, so please inform me if there's any bug): first open constants/menu_constants.asm
and edit the following:
const MON_SPRITE_POPUP ; $11
- const JP_AH_MENU_TEMPLATE ; $12
+ const BOY_GIRL_NO ; $12 new for gender non-binary selection
const MONEY_BOX ; $13
Now that we've declared the new menu template, let's give it an X/Y position, a size, a text placement, and a text content.
(fwiw, to my understanding the X and Y positions are taken with respect to a reference frame that has its origin in the top-left corner of the screen, and the values are defined positive, i.e. X increases going right and Y increases going down. I think the max values for X and Y is 19 (or 20? Anyway it's not terribly important for our tutorial))
Open data/text_boxes.asm
and modify it as follows:
text_box_text MONEY_BOX_TEMPLATE, 11, 0, 19, 2, MoneyText, 13, 0
- text_box_text JP_AH_MENU_TEMPLATE, 7, 6, 11, 10, JapaneseAhText, 8, 8
+ text_box_text BOY_GIRL_NO, 13, 6, 19, 12, BoyGirlNoText, 15, 7
text_box_text JP_POKEDEX_MENU_TEMPLATE, 11, 8, 19, 17, JapanesePokedexMenu, 12, 10
- db "アッ!@"
+ db "BOY"
+ next "GIRL"
+ next "NO@"
Now we need to allocate a wram byte that will keep track of our gender (or lack-of).
Open ram/wram.asm
and edit:
- ds 56
+ ; $00 = male
+ ; $01 = female
+ ; $02 = enby
+ ds 1
+; unused
+ ds 55
Open engine/movie/oak_speech/oak_speech.asm
. Scroll to the very bottom and add these lines of code:
; displays boy/girl choice
call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
jr DisplayBoyGirlNoChoice
ld [wTextBoxID], a
call DisplayTextBoxID
ld hl, wTopMenuItemY
ld a, 7
ld [hli], a ; top menu item Y
ld a, 14
ld [hli], a ; top menu item X
xor a
ld [hli], a ; current menu item ID
inc hl
ld a, $2
ld [hli], a ; wMaxMenuItem
ld [hli], a ; wMenuWatchedKeys
xor a
ld [hl], a ; wLastMenuItem
call HandleMenuInput
jr nz, .defaultOption ; if B was pressed, assign enby
; A was pressed
call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor
ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
jp LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1
ld a, $02
ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a
jp LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1
This will load the text box we defined earlier, where the options will appear.
Scroll up to the OakSpeech:
label and find these lines of code:
xor a
ldh [hTileAnimations], a
ld a, [wd732]
bit 1, a ; possibly a debug mode bit
jp nz, .skipChoosingNames
Under those lines of code add these lines of code:
jp nz, .skipChoosingNames
+ ld hl, BoyGirlText ; added to the same file as the other oak text
+ call PrintText ; show this text
+ call BoyGirlChoice ; added routine at the end of this file
+ ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
+ ld [wPlayerGender], a ; store player's gender. 00 for boy, 01 for girl, 02 for enby
+ call ClearScreen ; clear the screen before resuming normal intro
Search these lines of code, they're a dozen lines below:
ld hl, OakSpeechText2
call PrintText
call GBFadeOutToWhite
call ClearScreen
ld de, RedPicFront
lb bc, BANK(RedPicFront), $00
call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
Edit them:
ld hl, OakSpeechText2
call PrintText
call GBFadeOutToWhite
call ClearScreen
ld de, RedPicFront
lb bc, BANK(RedPicFront), $00 ; this is sometimes done in two lines, loading in b and c separately
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; load gender
+ and a ; check gender - and a is equivalent to `cp a, 0` (but faster)
+ ; if a=0->gender=male, ergo jump to the vanilla part of the code
+ jr z, .ContinueWithOakIntro1
+ cp a, 2 ; check gender: if a=2->gender=enby, jump to the yellow subroutine, otherwise continue below
+ jp z, .LoadYellowPicFront1
+ ld de, GreenPicFront
+ lb bc, BANK(GreenPicFront), $00
+ jr .ContinueWithOakIntro1
+ ld de, YellowPicFront
+ lb bc, BANK(YellowPicFront), $00
+ call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
call MovePicLeft
Scroll down until you see:
call GBFadeOutToWhite
call ClearScreen
ld de, RedPicFront
lb bc, BANK(RedPicFront), $00
call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
Edit these too:
call GBFadeOutToWhite
call ClearScreen
ld de, RedPicFront
lb bc, Bank(RedPicFront), $00
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; check gender
+ and a ; check gender -> if male, jump to vanilla code
+ jr z, .ContinueWithOakIntro2
+ cp a, 2
+ jp z, .LoadYellowPicFront2
+ ld de, GreenPicFront
+ lb bc, BANK(GreenPicFront), $00
+ jr .ContinueWithOakIntro2
+ ld de, YellowPicFront
+ lb bc, BANK(YellowPicFront), $00
+ call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
call GBFadeInFromWhite
Search now these lines of code:
call DelayFrames
ld de, RedSprite
ld hl, vSprites
lb bc, BANK(RedSprite), $0C
call CopyVideoData
ld de, ShrinkPic1
lb bc, BANK(ShrinkPic1), $00
call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
And modify:
call DelayFrames
ld de,RedSprite
ld hl, vSprites
lb bc, BANK(RedSprite), $0C
- call CopyVideoData
- ld de, ShrinkPic1
- lb bc, BANK(ShrinkPic1), $00
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; check gender
+ and a ; check gender -> if male, jump to vanilla code
+ jr z, .ContinueWithOakIntro3
+ cp a, 2
+ jp z, .LoadYellowPicFront3
+ ld de, GreenSprite
+ lb bc, BANK(GreenSprite), $0C
+ jr .ContinueWithOakIntro3
+ ld de, YellowSprite
+ lb bc, BANK(YellowSprite), $0C
ld hl, vSprites
What we just did is added some gender checking routines, so the game will load the sprites for the other gender if that gender is selected.
Below OakSpeechText3:
, add these lines:
+BoyGirlText: ; This is new so we had to add a reference to get it to compile
+ text_far _BoyGirlText
+ text_end
We're done with the first oakspeech file!
Let's move onto engine/movie/oak_speech/oakspeech2.asm
. We will edit these lines of code at the top:
call OakSpeechSlidePicRight
- ld de, DefaultNamesPlayer
- call DisplayIntroNameTextBox
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; load gender
+ cp a, $01
+ jr z, .AreGirl ; Skip to girl names if you are girl instead
+ cp a, $02
+ jr z, .AreEnby ; Skip to enby names if you are enby instead
+ ld de, DefaultNamesBoy
+ call DisplayIntroNameTextBox
ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
and a
jr z, .customName
- ld hl, DefaultNamesPlayerList
+ ld hl, DefaultNamesBoyList
call GetDefaultName
ld de, wPlayerName
call OakSpeechSlidePicLeft
jr .done
+.AreGirl ; Copy of the boy naming routine, just with girl's names
+ ld de, DefaultNamesGirl
+ call DisplayIntroNameTextBox
+ ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
+ and a
+ jr z, .customName
+ ld hl, DefaultNamesGirlList
+ call GetDefaultName
+ ld de, wPlayerName
+ call OakSpeechSlidePicLeft
+ jr .done ; End of new Girl Names routine
+.AreEnby ; Copy of the boy naming routine, just with enby's names
+ ld de, DefaultNamesEnby
+ call DisplayIntroNameTextBox
+ ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
+ and a
+ jr z, .customName
+ ld hl, DefaultNamesEnbyList
+ call GetDefaultName
+ ld de, wPlayerName
+ call OakSpeechSlidePicLeft
+ jr .done ; End of new Enby Names routine
ld hl, wPlayerName
ld [wNamingScreenType], a
call DisplayNamingScreen
ld a, [wcf4b]
cp "@"
jr z, .customName
call ClearScreen
call Delay3
ld de, RedPicFront
ld b, BANK(RedPicFront)
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
- ld hl, YourNameIsText
- jp PrintText
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; Added gender check
+ and a ; Added gender check
+ jr z, .ContinueWithRoutine
+ cp a, $02
+ jr z, .LoadYellowPicFront
+ ld de, GreenPicFront
+ ld b, BANK(GreenPicFront)
+ ld de, YellowPicFront
+ ld b, BANK(YellowPicFront)
+ call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
+ ld hl, YourNameIsText
+ jp PrintText
All the above edits are to load the other default names.
Now let's add some names to be loaded. Open data/player_names.asm
and add (just examples):
next "RED"
next "ASH"
next "JACK"
db "@"
+ db "NEW NAME"
+ next "GREEN"
+ next "LEAF"
+ next "JULIET"
+ db "@"
+ db "NEW NAME"
+ next "YELLOW"
+ next "AMARILLO"
+ next "ALEXYS"
+ db "@"
next "BLUE"
next "GARY"
next "JOHN"
db "@"
We do pretty much the same thing on data/player_names_list.asm
db "NEW NAME@"
db "RED@"
db "ASH@"
db "JACK@"
+ db "NEW NAME@"
+ db "GREEN@"
+ db "LEAF@"
+ db "JULIET@"
+ db "NEW NAME@"
+ db "YELLOW@"
+ db "AMARILLO@"
+ db "ALEXYS@"
db "NEW NAME@"
db "BLUE@"
db "GARY@"
db "JOHN@"
We go to data/text/text_2.asm
and add these lines of code:
+ text "Play as a boy or"
+ line "as a girl?"
+ done
Hurray! We added the option on the intro!
Now let's add the girl and enby sprites in the main game. Open engine/overworld/player_animations.asm
and look for FishingAnim:
and edit these lines of code:
ld c, 10
call DelayFrames
ld hl, wd736
set 6, [hl] ; reserve the last 4 OAM entries
ld hl, vNPCSprites ; ???
- ld de, RedSprite
- ld b, BANK(RedSprite)
- ld c, 12
- call CopyVideoData
- ld a, $4
- ld hl, RedFishingTiles
- call LoadAnimSpriteGfx
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; load gender
+ and a ; check if gender=male
+ jr z, .BoySpriteLoad
+ cp a, 2 ; check if enby
+ jr z, .EnbySpriteLoad
+ ld de, GreenSprite
+ ld hl, vNPCSprites
+ ld bc, (BANK(GreenSprite) << 8) + $0c
+ jr .KeepLoadingSpriteStuff
+ ld de, YellowSprite
+ ld hl, vNPCSprites
+ ld bc, (BANK(YellowSprite) << 8) + $0c
+ jr .KeepLoadingSpriteStuff
+ ld de, RedSprite
+ ld hl, vNPCSprites
+ lb bc, BANK(RedSprite), $c
+ call CopyVideoData
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; load gender
+ and a ; check if gender=male
+ jr z, .BoyTiles ; skip loading Green's stuff if you're Red
+ cp a, 2
+ jr z, .EnbyTiles
+ ld a, $4
+ ld hl, GreenFishingTiles
+ jr .ContinueRoutine ; go back to main routine after loading Green's stuff
+ ld a, $4
+ ld hl, YellowFishingTiles
+ jr .ContinueRoutine ; go back to main routine after loading Yellow's stuff
+.BoyTiles ; alternately, load Red's stuff
+ ld a, $4
+ ld hl, RedFishingTiles
+ call LoadAnimSpriteGfx
ld a, [wSpritePlayerStateData1ImageIndex]
Next, we'll look for this:
fishing_gfx RedFishingTilesFront, 2, $02
fishing_gfx RedFishingTilesBack, 2, $06
fishing_gfx RedFishingTilesSide, 2, $0a
fishing_gfx RedFishingRodTiles, 3, $fd
Red has his fishing tiles defined so let's give Green and Yellow some defined tiles. Add these lines after the ones above:
+ fishing_gfx GreenFishingTilesFront, 2, $02
+ fishing_gfx GreenFishingTilesBack, 2, $06
+ fishing_gfx GreenFishingTilesSide, 2, $0a
+ fishing_gfx RedFishingRodTiles, 3, $fd
+ fishing_gfx YellowFishingTilesFront, 2, $02
+ fishing_gfx YellowFishingTilesBack, 2, $06
+ fishing_gfx YellowFishingTilesSide, 2, $0a
+ fishing_gfx RedFishingRodTiles, 3, $fd
We only added fishing tiles. Let's add walking and cycling tiles too. Open home/overworld.asm
and look for LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics:
. Add these lines of code:
; new sprite copy stuff
xor a
ld [wd473], a
ld b, BANK(RedSprite)
ld de, RedSprite
- jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; from Vortiene
+ and a ; check if boy
+ jr z, .ContinueLoadSprites1
+ cp a, 2 ; check if enby
+ jr z, .AreEnby1
+ ld de, GreenSprite
+ jr .ContinueLoadSprites1
+ ld de, YellowSprite
+ ld hl, vNPCSprites
+ jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon
ld b, BANK(RedBikeSprite)
ld de, RedBikeSprite
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender]
+ and a
+ jr z, .ContinueLoadSprites2
+ cp a, 2 ; check if enby
+ jr z, .AreEnby2
+ ld de, GreenBikeSprite
+ jr .ContinueLoadSprites2
+ ld de, YellowBikeSprite
+ ld hl, vNPCSprites
Now, let's add the new backsprites. Open engine/battle/core.asm
and look for LoadPlayerBackPic:
so we can edit it:
ld a, [wBattleType]
ld de, OldManPicBack
cp BATTLE_TYPE_OLD_MAN ; is it the old man tutorial?
jr z, .next
ld de, ProfOakPicBack
cp BATTLE_TYPE_PIKACHU ; is it the pikachu battle at the beginning of the game?
jr z, .next
- ld de, RedPicBack
- ld a, BANK(RedPicBack)
- ASSERT BANK(RedPicBack) == BANK(OldManPicBack)
- ASSERT BANK(RedPicBack) == BANK(ProfOakPicBack)
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender]
+ and a
+ jr z, .RedBack
+ cp a, 2 ; check if enby
+ jr z, .YellowBack
+ ld de, GreenPicBack
+ jr .next
+ ld de, YellowPicBack
+ jr .next
+ ld de, RedPicBack
+ ld a, BANK(RedPicBack)
+ ASSERT BANK(RedPicBack) == BANK(OldManPicBack)
+ ASSERT BANK(GreenPicBack) == BANK(OldManPicBack)
+ ASSERT BANK(YellowPicBack) == BANK(OldManPicBack)
+ ASSERT BANK(RedPicBack) == BANK(ProfOakPicBack)
Second-to-last, Hall of Fame! Open engine/movie/hall_of_fame.asm
and go to HoFLoadPlayerPics:
so we can change some stuff.
Nota bene: there are three lines, the ones commented as these are needed only in Yellow
, that are needed (only) in Yellow to avoid funny glitches.
- ld de, RedPicFront
- ld a, BANK(RedPicFront)
- call UncompressSpriteFromDE
- ld a, $0 ; not in pokered
- call SwitchSRAMBankAndLatchClockData ; not in pokered
- ld hl, sSpriteBuffer1
- ld de, sSpriteBuffer0
- ld bc, $310
- call CopyData
- call PrepareRTCDataAndDisableSRAM ; not in pokered
- ld de, vFrontPic
- call InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers
- ld de, RedPicBack
- ld a, BANK(RedPicBack)
- call UncompressSpriteFromDE
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; load gender
+ and a ; check if male
+ jr z, .BoyStuff1
+ cp a, 2 ; check if enby
+ jr z, .EnbyStuff1
+ ld de, GreenPicFront
+ ld a, BANK(GreenPicFront)
+ jr .Routine ; skip the enby and boy stuff and go to main routine1
+ ld de, YellowPicFront
+ ld a, BANK(YellowPicFront)
+ jr .Routine ; skip the boy stuff and go to main routine1
+ ld de, RedPicFront
+ ld a, BANK(RedPicFront)
+.Routine ; resume original routine
+ call UncompressSpriteFromDE
+ ld a, $0 ; these are needed only in Yellow
+ call SwitchSRAMBankAndLatchClockData ; these are needed only in Yellow
+ ld hl, sSpriteBuffer1
+ ld de, sSpriteBuffer0
+ ld bc, $310
+ call CopyData
+ call PrepareRTCDataAndDisableSRAM ; these are needed only in Yellow
+ ld de, vFrontPic
+ call InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender] ; load gender
+ and a ; check if male
+ jr z, .BoyStuff2
+ cp a, 2 ; check if enby
+ jr z, .EnbyStuff2
+ ld de, GreenPicBack
+ ld a, BANK(GreenPicBack)
+ jr .Routine2 ; skip the enby and boy stuff and go to the main routine2
+ ld de, YellowPicBack
+ ld a, BANK(YellowPicBack)
+ jr .Routine2 ; skip the boy stuff and go to the main routine2
+ ld de, RedPicBack
+ ld a, BANK(RedPicBack)
+.Routine2 ; original routine
+ call UncompressSpriteFromDE ; end of new gender stuff
predef ScaleSpriteByTwo
The last thing we're gonna do is make sure that the new sprite shows up on the Trainer Card.
Open engine/menus/start_sub_menus.asm
and go find DrawTrainerInfo:
so we can finish this.
ld de, RedPicFront
lb bc, BANK(RedPicFront), $01
- predef DisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
+ ld a, [wPlayerGender]
+ and a
+ jr z, .ContinueWithLoading
+ cp a, 2
+ jr z, .AreEnby
+ ld de, GreenPicFront
+ lb bc, BANK(GreenPicFront), $01
+ jr .ContinueWithLoading
+ ld de, YellowPicFront
+ lb bc, BANK(YellowPicFront), $01
+ predef DisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
call DisableLCD
And there we have it! Non-binary gender selection in Pokémon Yellow! :D A huge thanks to everyone who contributed to this before me, and please lemme know if there's any problem, I welcome any beta tester :)