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prashjha committed Jun 5, 2024
1 parent 5f0e2e0 commit 0c16d8f
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Expand Up @@ -45,34 +45,16 @@ We have created channels on various platforms:
- [PeriDEM on slack](
* Send us an email if interested in joining the workspace.

## Documentation
Doxygen generated documentation of the code can be found [here](
Documentation will be improved in due time.
## [Documentation](
[Doxygen generated documentation]( details functions and objects in the library.

## Tutorial
We explain the setting-up of simulations in further details in [tutorial](./tutorial/
We consider `two-particle` test setup with non-circular particles and `compressive-test` to
discuss the various aspects of simulations.

## Examples
We next highlight some key examples. For more details, look at the `create_input_file()`
within `` or `input_0.yaml` in [examples](./examples/PeriDEM).

To create input files, the python script is provided. Python script allows easy parameterization
of various modeling and geometrical parameters and creating `.geo` files for `gmsh`
and particle locations file. Typically, the input files consists of:
- `input.yaml` - the main instruction file for `PeriDEM` with details about material models,
particle geometries, time step, etc
- `particle_locations.csv` - this file provides location and other details of the
individual particles. Each row in the file consists of
* `i` - zone id that particle belongs to
* `x` - x-coordinate of the center of the particle. Next two columns are similarly for `y` and `z` coordinates
* `r` - radius of the particle
* `o` - orientation in radians. This is used to give particle (particle mesh) a rotation
- `mesh.msh` - mesh file for the reference particle or wall. For example,
in [compressive test](./examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/init_config/inp) example,
there are four mesh files: one each for the circular and hexagon-shaped particle
and one each for the fixed and mobile wall.
## [Examples](./examples/
We next highlight some key examples. Further details are available in [examples/](./examples/

### Two-particle tests

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,21 +83,13 @@ in individual particles, especially those connected by force chains, resulting i
yielding of the system. For more details, we refer to
[Jha et al. 2021](

| <img src="./assets/compressive_test_cir_hex_n500.jpg" width="600"> |
| [Compressive test setup](./examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/) |

| <img src="./assets/compressive_test_reaction_force_n500.jpg" width="600"> |
| **Top**: Plot of reaction force per unit area on the top wall. **Bottom**: Particle state at four times. Color shows the damage at nodes. Damage 1 or above indicates the presence of broken bonds in the neighborhood of a node. |

| <img src="./assets/compressive_test.gif" width="600"> |
| Compressive test simulation |

## Brief implementation details
The main implementation of the model is carried out in the model directory [dem](./src/model/dem).
The model is implemented in class `DEMModel`, see [demModel.cpp](./src/model/dem/demModel.cpp).
The model is implemented in class [DEMModel](./src/model/dem/demModel.cpp).
Function `DEMModel::run()` performs the simulation. We next look at some key methods in `DEMModel` in more details:

### DEMModel::run()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,33 +175,12 @@ void model::DEMModel::integrateVerlet() {
// compute force

// update velocity of nodes
tf::Executor executor(util::parallel::getNThreads());
tf::Taskflow taskflow;

(std::size_t) 0, d_fPdCompNodes.size(), (std::size_t) 1,
[this, dt, dim](std::size_t II) {
auto i = this->d_fPdCompNodes[II];

const auto rho = this->getDensity(i);
const auto &fix = this->d_fix[i];
for (int dof = 0; dof < dim; dof++) {
if (util::methods::isFree(fix, dof)) {
this->d_v[i][dof] += 0.5 * (dt / rho) * this->d_f[i][dof];
} // loop over nodes
); // for_each;
// update velocity of nodes (similar to the above)

### DEMModel::computeForces()
The key method in time integration is `DEMModel::computeForces()`.
The key method in time integration is `DEMModel::computeForces()`
In this function, we compute internal and external forces at each node of a particle
and also account for the external boundary conditions. This function looks like
Expand All @@ -254,52 +207,22 @@ Above gives the basic idea of simulation steps. For more thorough understanding
the implementation, interested readers can look at

## Installation
## [Installation](./tools/

### Dependencies
Core dependencies are:
- [cmake]( (>= 3.10.2)
* recommend to install using `apt-get` or `brew`
- [vtk]( (>= 7.1.1)
* recommend to build using script [](./tools/compile_scripts/ubuntu/
or [](./tools/compile_scripts/ubuntu/
* required to output simulation results in `.vtu` format
- [yaml-cpp](/~ (>= 0.5.2)
* recommend to install using `apt-get` or `brew`
* required to parse input file
- [metis](/~ (>= 5.1.0)
* recommend to install using `apt-get` or `brew`. If using `apt-get`, recommend
to create symlink to `` file in `/usr/lib/` directory;
see towards end in script [](./tools/compile_scripts/ubuntu/
This helps `cmake` locate metis library.
* required to partition the mesh
* for parallel simulations

Following dependencies are included in the `PeriDEM` library in `external` folder (see [external/](./external/ for more details):
- [fast-cpp-csv-parser](/~ (version included - master)
* required to read `.csv` files
- [fmt](/~ (>= 7.1.3, version included - 10.2.1)
* included as external library in the code
* required to output formatted strings
- [nanoflann](/~ (>= 1.3.2, version included - v1.5.5)
* included as external library in the code
* required for neighbor search
- [taskflow](/~ (>= 3.7.0)
* included as external library in the code
* required for asynchronous/parallel for loop
- [doxygen-awesome-css](/~ (>= v2.3.3)
* included as external library in the code
* useful in building better doxygen documentation (see [docs/](./docs/ file)

Additional dependencies for running the examples:
- [gmsh]( (>= 3.0.6)
* recommend to install using `apt-get` or `brew`
* required to build the mesh of various objects in the test
- [python3](
* required to run the test python scripts
- [numpy](
* required to run the test python scripts
- [doxygen-awesome-css](/~ (>= v2.3.3)

### Building the code
If all the dependencies are installed on the global path (e.g., `/usr/local/`),
Expand All @@ -317,112 +240,7 @@ cmake -DEnable_Documentation=OFF # or ON \
make -j 4

### Recommendations for quick build
1. Install most of the dependencies using `apt-get`:
# get ubuntu codename
UBUNTU_CODENAME="$(cat /etc/os-release | grep UBUNTU_CODENAME | cut -d = -f 2)"

# Install essentials
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y \
git less wget curl lzip bzip2 unzip autoconf libtool pkg-config \
rpm gcovr ruby-coveralls libproj-dev m4 \
software-properties-common ubuntu-dev-tools \
gfortran make build-essential libssl-dev clang-format-10 clang-tidy \
openssh-server rsync \
doxygen doxygen-latex graphviz ghostscript \
lldb valgrind \
python3-pip \
ibopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin \
libblas-dev liblapack-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev \
libhwloc-dev libjemalloc-dev libboost-all-dev libyaml-cpp-dev \
libgmsh-dev gmsh libflann-dev \
libmetis-dev \
libtbb-dev libasio-dev libglvnd-dev \
libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev # for pillow python library \
libgl1-mesa-dev # for VTK

if [ "${UBUNTU_CODENAME}" = "focal" ]; then
sudo apt-get install -y gcc-10 g++-10
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10 100
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 100
echo "Display gcc version" && gcc -v

# clean
sudo apt-get autoremove -y && sudo apt-get autoclean -y

# python packages
pip3 install numpy pyvista pandas

# create symlink for metis
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
echo "Display metis header and lib files"
ls /usr/include/metis*
ls /usr/lib/libmetis*

> :zap: Above is also available in the bash script [](./tools/build_scripts/ubuntu/
If you are in mac, the essential libraries can be installed via `brew`
brew install cmake boost vtk yaml-cpp metis gmsh openmpi
# if building documentation, we also need doxygen
brew install doxygen

2. Build peridem using [](./tools/compile_scripts/ubuntu/
or in mac use script [](./tools/compile_scripts/mac/
# may have to do `chmod +x` first

> :warning: Be sure to modify `` file to specify the correct paths where VTK and Metis are installed!
Alternatively, if you have already cloned the PeriDEM library and are in the root
directory of PeriDEM, run following in the terminal:
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake -DEnable_Documentation=OFF # or ON \
-DEnable_Tests=ON \
-DEnable_High_Load_Tests=OFF # ON if you want ctest to include high-load tests \
-DDisable_Docker_MPI_Tests=ON # only for docker; OFF if you can run MPI in docker\
-DVTK_DIR="${VTK_DIR}" # e.g., /usr/local/lib/cmake/vtk-9.3 \
-DMETIS_DIR="${METIS_DIR}" # e.g., /usr/lib \

make -j 4

# ctest is recommended post building
ctest --verbose

### Docker
For `circle-ci` testing, we use docker images `prashjha/peridem-base-focal:latest`
(`ubuntu 20.04`) and `prashjha/peridem-base-bionic:latest` (`ubuntu 18.04`).
The associated dockerfiles and links to pull from docker hub are:
- for `focal` (`ubuntu 20.04`)
* link:
* `docker pull prashjha/peridem-base-focal:latest`
* [dockerfile](/~
- for `bionic` (`ubuntu 18.04`)
* link:
* `docker pull prashjha/peridem-base-bionic:latest`
* [dockerfile](/~
- clion setup for remote development
* [Dockerfile-peridem-clion-focal](./tools/docker/docker-clion-remote/Dockerfile-peridem-clion-focal)
* [Dockerfile-peridem-clion-bionic](./tools/docker/docker-clion-remote/Dockerfile-peridem-clion-bionic)
- for example of building `PeriDEM` using docker
* [Dockerfile-test-peridem-focal](./tools/docker/compile-peridem-using-docker/Dockerfile-test-peridem-focal)
* [Dockerfile-test-peridem-bionic](./tools/docker/compile-peridem-using-docker/Dockerfile-test-peridem-bionic)
* These dockerfiles call [](./tools/docker/compile-peridem-using-docker/ script

In [Packages](/~, docker
images of PeriDEM built on ubuntu-20.04 (`prashjha/peridem-base-focal:latest`) is provided.
We refer to [tools/](./tools/ for further details about installing dependencies and building the library in different ubuntu releases.

### Future plans
We are trying to make PeriDEM MPI-friendly so that we can target large problems.
Expand All @@ -445,14 +263,14 @@ In the past, `PeriDEM` library depended on large libraries such as `HPX`, `PCL`,
We have put a lot of efforts into reducing the dependencies to absolutely minimum
so that it is easier to build and run `PeriDEM` in different operating systems and clusters.
At this point, only major library it depends on is `VTK` which can be compiled to
different machines quite successfully (patience is needed in compiling `VTK` though).
different machines quite successfully (patience is needed in compiling `VTK` though).
If you carefully read the information and use the scripts provided, you should be
able to compile PeriDEM in ubuntu (>= 18.04) and mac.

Still, if you are stuck, feel free to reach out or open an issue. For more open
Feel free to reach out or open an issue. For more open
discussion of issues and ideas, contact via
[PeriDEM on Gitter](
or [PeriDEM on slack]( (for slack, send me an email to join).
or [PeriDEM on slack]( (for slack, send us an email to join).
If you like some help, want to contribute, extend the code, or discuss new ideas,
please do reach out to us.

Expand All @@ -467,7 +285,7 @@ with paths are correctly provided in `input.yaml`, we will run the problem (usin
Some examples are listed below.

### Two-particle with wall
Navigate to the example directory `examples/PeriDEM/two_particles_wall/concave_diff_material_diff_size/inp`
Navigate to the example directory [examples/PeriDEM/two_particles_wall/concave_diff_material_diff_size/inp](./examples/PeriDEM/two_particles_wall/concave_diff_material_diff_size/inp)
and run the example as follows
mkdir ../out # <-- make directory for simulation output. In .yaml, we specify output path as './out'
Expand All @@ -477,55 +295,25 @@ mkdir ../out # <-- make directory for simulation output. In .yaml, we specify ou
You may also use the included [](./examples/PeriDEM/two_particles_wall/concave_diff_material_diff_size/inp/
to modify simulation parameters and run the simulation using
(in directoy `examples/PeriDEM/two_particles_wall/concave_diff_material_diff_size`).
(in directory [examples/PeriDEM/two_particles_wall/concave_diff_material_diff_size](./examples/PeriDEM/two_particles_wall/concave_diff_material_diff_size)).
`` shows how different input files are created for the simulation.

> :exclamation: You will need to modify the path of `PeriDEM` executible in `` file, see variable `execsrc`.
> :exclamation: You may need to modify the path of `PeriDEM` executable in `` file.
> In all `` files in the example and test directory, the main function is `create_input_file()`.
> Here we set all model parameters, create `.yaml` input file, and `.geo` files for meshing.
#### Important remark on modifying input.yaml file
To test the examples quickly, you can directly modify the `input.yaml` and re-run
the simulation as shown above. For example, you can alter `Final_Time`,
`Time_Steps`, `Contact_Radius_Factor`, `Kn`, and other fields in the yaml file.

However, some care is required when changing the geometrical details of particles
and walls in the `input.yaml` file. If you change these details in the `.yaml` file,
you will have to ensure that the `.msh` file correspond to the new geometry.

Except geometrical parameters of walls and particles, rest of the parameters in
`input.yaml` can be modified.

> In due time, we will provide more information on setting up input files and covering
> all aspects of the simulation.
### Compressive test
Navigate to the example directory `examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/run1/inp`
and run the example as follows (note that this is an expensive example)
Navigate to the example directory [examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/run1/inp](./examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/run1/inp)
and run the example as follows (note that this is a computationally expensive example)
mkdir ../out
<peridem build path>bin/PeriDEM -i input_0.yaml -nThreads 12

As before:
- you can modify [](./examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/run1/inp/, see `create_input_file()` method, to change the simulation settings
- run the simulation using [](./examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/run1/ (in directory `examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/run1`).

### Compute times for various examples (From old version of the code!)
For reference, we list the compute times for various examples.
- `T` is the total compute time in units of `second`
- `T(n)` means compute time when running the example with `n` threads.

| Test | T(1) | T(2) | T(4) | T(8) |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| two_particles/circ_damp | 143.7 | 95.1 | 76.4 | 78.6 |
| two_particles/circ_damp_diff_radius | 164 | 114.6 | 96.7 | 99.4 |
| two_particles/circ_diff_material | 287.7 | 190.1 | 152.7 | 160 |
| two_particles/circ_diff_radius_diff_material | 329.1 | 229.4 | 195.3 | 200 |
| two_particles/circ_no_damp | 143.8 | 94.5 | 76.7 | 78.5 |
| two_particles_wall/concave_diff_material_diff_size | 2749.9 | 1534.6 | 980.8 | 691.1 |
- run the simulation using [](./examples/PeriDEM/compressive_test/n500_circ_hex/run1/

## Visualizing results
Simulation files `output_*.vtu` can be loaded in either [ParaView](
Expand Down

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