This is the backend service for a personal portfolio website. It is built using Node.js,MongoDB, Express, React, Framer Motion, and Tailwindcss and provides APIs for managing portfolio data like projects, skills, experiences, and messages.
Backend URL- Frontend URL-
- CRUD Operations for Projects: Manage your portfolio projects, including title, description, technologies, live URL, and GitHub URL.
- Skills Management: Add, update, and retrieve technical skills for display on your portfolio.
- Experience Tracking: Add your professional experiences, including company name, role, and technologies used.
- Contact Form Handling: Receive and manage messages sent via the portfolio website's contact form.
- Image Upload: Project images are uploaded and managed via Cloudinary.
- Secure & Robust: Includes middleware for validation, error handling, rate limiting, and security headers.
- Backend Framework: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
- File Upload: Multer, Cloudinary
- Validation: Joi
- Security: Helmet, CORS, Rate Limiting
- Environment Variables: dotenv
Clone the project
git clone /~
Go to the project directory
cd backend
cd frontend
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
For support, email