bash_profile :: Automated reconnaissance wrapper - collecting juicy data & vulnerable testing
# Dependencies --> go binaries :: /~
sudomy(bash), comb(go), cf-check(go), CORS-Scanner(go), dalfox(go), dnsprobe(go), ffuf(go),
gowitness(go), gron(go), gau(go), gf(go), gospider(go), httpx(go), naabu(go), nuclei(go),
meg(go), subjack(go), s3enum(go), secretz(go), unfurl(go), webanalyze(go), kxss(go),
arjun(py), dsss(py), dnsgen(py), favfreak(py), tplmap(py), js-beautify(py), smuggler(py), linkfinder(py),
wscat(npm), retire.js(npm)
# Add ons
apkurlgrep(go), clickjacking-poc(go), fdns(go), gitleaks(go), go-dork(go), gobuster(go), httprobe(go),
hakcheckurl(go), metabigor(go), qsreplace(go)
# (Kali Linux 2019.4) --> Use this script to installing all dependencies
cd resource; chmod +x; ./
# Reload .bashrc & .bash_profile after finishing installation
export GOPATH=$HOME/go GOROOT=/usr/local/go-1.13 PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
source ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile
# automate-recon <>
# automate-dnsgen <>
# automate-portscan <>
# automate-download <>
- subdomain.out -- Subdomain list < $target
- virtualhost.out -- Subdomain [vhost] < subdomain.out
- ipresolv.out -- IP resolved list < subdomain.out
- cf-ipresolv.out -- Cloudflare scan < ipresolv.out
- httpx-raws.out -- Probing + statuscode < subdomain.out
- httpx.out -- Subdomain live [80,443] < httpx-raws.out
- httpx-9999.out -- Subdomain live [8000-9999] < unique httpx.out::subdomain.out
- openport.out -- Active port scanning [full] < cf-ipresolv.out
- webanalyzes.out -- Webanalyzer scan < httpx.out
- gowitness.html -- Screenshoting report < subdomain.out
- dnsgen.out -- Subdomain alt+perm < subdomain.out
- ./raws/data-gau -- List uri from gau + removing junk uri
- ./raws/data-gospider -- List uri from gospider [url] + removing junk uri
- ./raws/allurls -- data-gospider + data-gau
- ./raws/subdomain-resolved -- Subdomain resolvable [A,AAAA,CNAME]
- ./juicyfiles/jsfiles -- All JS files :: gau + gospider result
- ./juicyfiles/jsfiles2 -- Extract JS files < ./juicyfiles/jsfile + otherjuicyfile
- ./juicyfiles/node_module -- Extract JS files < /node_modules/
- ./juicyfiles/otherfiles -- All other juicyfiles [json,toml,etc] :: gau + gospider
- ./juicyfiles/travislog -- Fetched Travis build log
- ./juicyfiles/download/js/ -- download < ./juicyfiles/jsfiles --force-dir + minify
- ./juicyfiles/download/js2/ -- download < ./juicyfiles/jsfiles2 --force-dir + minify
- ./juicyfiles/download/node_module/ -- download < ./juicyfiles/node_module --force-dir + minify
- ./juicyfiles/download/other/ -- download < ./juicyfiles/otherfiles --force-dir
- ./interest/faviconhash -- Favicon hash checking < cf-ipresolv + httpx.out
- ./interest/variablefromjs -- Interest variable from js < ./juicyfiles/download/js*
- ./interest/querystrings-keys -- List querystrings + keys < ./raws/allurls
- ./interest/interesturi-allurls -- Interest path [/api,etc] < ./raws/allurls
- ./interest/interesturi-js -- Interest path [/api,etc] < ./raws/data-gospider
- ./interest/paramsuniq -- Unique parameter list [live] < ./raws/allurls
- ./interest/passingparams -- Passing parameter list < ./raws/allurls
- ./interest/pathuri -- Extract Path only <brute> < ./raws/allurls
- ./interest/paramsuri -- Extract params only <brute> < ./interest/paramsuniq
- ./fuzz/fuzz-fileinclusion -- gf fileinclusion pattern < ./interest/paramsuniq
- ./fuzz/fuzz-openredirect -- gf redirect pattern < ./interest/paramsuniq
- ./fuzz/fuzz-rce -- gf rce pattern < ./interest/paramsuniq
- ./fuzz/fuzz-idor -- gf idor pattern < ./interest/paramsuniq
- ./fuzz/fuzz-sqli -- gf sqli pattern < ./interest/paramsuniq
- ./fuzz/fuzz-ssrf -- gf ssrf pattern < ./interest/paramsuniq
- ./fuzz/fuzz-ssti -- gf ssti pattern < ./interest/paramsuniq
- ./wordlist/parameter -- Generate params wordlist < ./raws/allurls
- ./wordlist/paths -- Generate paths wordlist < ./raws/allurls * js
- ./wordlist/js-variable -- Collecting var < ./juicyfiles/download/js*
# Favicon Hash Fingerprint
99395752 : 'slack-instance'
878647854 : 'atlasian'
116323821 : 'spring-boot' --> Spring Boot Actuator (jolokia XXE/RCE)
# automate-brute <>
1. Juicy Path & Endpoint Bruteforce
--> ./brute/internalpath # /resource/wordlist/dir/internalpath.txt <-- virtualhost.out
--> ./brute/bigwordlist # /resource/wordlist/dir/big-wordlist.txt <-- ./interest/pathuri
--> ./brute/sortwordlist # /resource/wordlist/dir/short-wordlist.txt <-- ./interest/pathuri
--> ./brute/springboot # /resource/wordlist/dir/spring-boot.txt <-- ./interest/pathuri
2. Parameter discovery (bruteforce)
<-- ./interest/paramsuri
--- ./brute/parameter1 # ./wordlist/parameter
--> ./brute/parameter2 # /resource/wordlist/parameter
# automate-testing <>
# automate-s3discovery <>
1. Hardcoded Sensitive Data Exposure -- Scanning download juicy files
<-- ./juicyfiles/download
--> ./automationtesting/sensitivedata-generic
--> ./automationtesting/sensitivedata
2. S3 bucket discovery
<-- ./raws/data-gospider + ./juicyfiles/*
<-- /root/resource/wordlist/s3 :: ./wordlist/s3bucketnames
--> ./automationtesting/s3bucket-all
--> ./automationtesting/s3bucket-brute
3. Subdomain takeover
<-- subdomain.out
--> ./automationtesting/takeover-nxdomain
--> ./automationtesting/takeover-subjack
4. CVEs/Advisories
<-- httpx.out
--> ./automationtesting/RCE-Jolokia
--> ./automationtesting/CVE-2020-5410 # Directory Traversal in Spring Cloud Config Server
--> ./automationtesting/CVE-2018-1000129 # Jolokia XSS
5. CORS Misconfig Scan
<-- httpx.out
--> ./automationtesting/cors-vuln
6. Unrestricted PUT method
<-- httpx.out
--> ./automationtesting/unrestricted-putMethod
7. Open Redirect > Clickjacking, XSS, SSRF
<-- httpx.out
--> ./automationtesting/openredirect-vuln
8. XSS (Blind, Reflected)
<-- ./raws/paramsuniq
--> ./automationtesting/xss-reflected
<-- ./fuzz/fuzz-ssti
--> ./automationtesting/ssti-vuln
10. SQLI Fuzzing (error based)
<-- ./fuzz/fuzz-sqli
--> ./automationtesting/sqli-vuln
11. File Inclusion
<-- ./fuzz/fuzz-fileinclusion
--> ./automationtesting/fileinclusion-vuln
12. HTTP Request Smuggling / Desync
<-- httpx.out
--> ./automationtesting/httpsmuggler-vuln
XX. Other
--> Command injection
--> Host Header Injection (x-forwarded-host) > Open Redirect
--> CRLF Injection > XSS, Cache-Poisoning
--> Custom nuclei Pattern : New CVE&advisores, etc
--> Dependencies vulnerability checking (SCA)
--> SAST
Platform | Key Type | Regular Expression |
Generic credential | Password, Token, etc | "[0-9a-zA-Z*-_/]{20,80}" |
Private Key | RSA, DSA, EC, PGP | "---(BEGIN |
Amazon MWS | Auth Token | "amzn\.mws\.[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}" |
AWS | Access Key ID | "AKIA[0-9A-Z]{16}" |
Secret Access Key | (Generic Credential) "[0-9a-zA-Z*-_/+]{20,80}" | |
Bitly | OAuth Access Token | (Generic Credential) |
CircleCI | Access Token | (Generic Credential) "[0-9a-f]{40}" |
OAuth Access Token | (Generic Credential) "[A-Za-z0-9]{125}" | |
Gitlab | Auth Token | (Generic Credential) |
Github | OAuth Access Token | (Generic Credential) "[0-9a-zA-Z]{35,40}" |
API Key | "AIza[0-9A-Za-z*]{35}" | |
OAuth Access Token | "ya29\.[0-9A-Za-z*]+" | |
OAuth Access Token | "[0-9a-fA-F]{7}\.[0-9a-fA-F]{32}" | |
MailChimp | API Key | "[0-9a-f]{32}-us[0-9]{1,2}" |
Mailgun | API Key | "key-[0-9a-zA-Z]{32}" |
NPM | Auth Token | "[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}" |
PayPal Braintree | OAuth Access Token | "access_token\$production\$[0-9a-z]{16}\$[0-9a-f]{32}" |
Picatic | API Key | "sk_live_[0-9a-z]{32}" |
Slack | OAuth Access Token | "key-[0-9a-zA-Z]{32}" |
SendGird | API Key | "SG\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{22}\.[a-zA-Z0-9*-_]{43}" |
Stripe | API Key | "sk_live_[0-9a-zA-Z]{24}" |
Restricted API Key | "rk_live_[0-9a-zA-Z]{24}" | |
Square | Access Token | "sq0atp-[0-9A-Za-z*]{22}" |
OAuth Secret | "sq0csp-[0-9A-Za-z*]{43}" | |
Twilio | Account/App SID | "(AC |
API Key SID | "SK[0-9a-fA-F]{32}" | |
Travis CI | Auth Token | (Generic Credential) |
# Firebase Custom Token and API key
# Google Cloud Messaging Key
# Hubspot API key
# Dropbox API Bearer/Auth Token
# Microsoft Azure Client ID, secret & Tenant ID
# Mapbox API key
# Jumpcloud API key
# Salesforce API Key/Bearer Token
# WPEngine API key & Account Name
# DataDog API Key & Application Key
# Gitlab Personal/Private Token
# Paypal ClientID & Secret
Type | Tool | Description |
Army-Knife/SCAN | jaeles | The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing |
Fetch/PROBE | hakcheckurl (main) | Takes a list of URLs and returns their HTTP response codes |
Fetch/PROBE | httpx (main) | Fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit allow to run multiple probers using retryablehttp library |
Fetch/PATH | meg (main) | Fetch many paths for many hosts - without killing the hosts |
Recon/CF | cf-check (main) | Cloudflare Checker written in Go |
Recon/CRAWL | gospider (main) | Gospider - Fast web spider written in Go |
Recon/DOMAIN | sudomy (main) | Sudomy is a subdomain enumeration tool to collect subdomains and analyzing domains performing automated reconnaissance (recon) for bug hunting / pentesting |
Recon/DNS | dnsprobe (main) | DNSProb is a tool built on top of retryabledns that allows you to perform multiple dns queries of your choice with a list of user supplied resolvers. |
Recon/DNS | hakrevdns (addons) | Small, fast tool for performing reverse DNS lookups en masse. |
Recon/DNS | shuffledns (addons) | shuffleDNS is a wrapper around massdns written in go that allows you to enumerate valid subdomains using active bruteforce as well as resolve subdomains with wildcard handling and easy input-output support. |
Recon/DNS | altdns (addons) | Generates permutations, alterations and mutations of subdomains and then resolves them |
Recon/DNS | dnsgen (main) | Generates combination of domain names from the provided input. |
Recon/FAVICON | FavFreak | Making Favicon.ico based Recon Great again ! |
Recon/PORT | naabu (main) | A fast port scanner written in go with focus on reliability and simplicity. |
Recon/WEBANLYZE | webanalyze (main) | Port of Wappalyzer (uncovers technologies used on websites) in Go to automate scanning. |
Recon/WVS | nuclei (main) | Nuclei is a fast tool for configurable targeted scanning based on templates offering massive extensibility and ease of use. |
Recon/URLS | gau (main) | Fetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl. |
Scanner/FUZZ | ffuf (main) | Fast web fuzzer written in Go |
Scanner/FUZZ | Arjun (main) | HTTP parameter discovery suite. |
Scanner/TKOVER | subjack (main) | Subdomain Takeover tool written in Go |
Scanner/CORS | CORS-Scanner (main) | CORS-Scanner is written in go, designed to discover CORS misconfigurations vulnerabilities of web application. |
Scanner/DESYNC | smuggler (main) | An HTTP Request Smuggling / Desync testing tool written in Python 3 |
Scanner/SSTI | tplmap (main) | Server-Side Template Injection and Code Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool |
Scanner/SSRF | SSRFmap (addons) | Automatic SSRF fuzzer and exploitation tool |
Scanner/SQLI | DSSS (main) | Damn Small SQLi Scanner |
Scanner/SQLI | Atlas | Quick SQLMap Tamper Suggester |
Scanner/SQL | sqlmap | Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool |
Scanner/SCA | retire.js (main) | Scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities |
Scanner/S3 | S3Scanner | Scan for open AWS S3 buckets and dump the contents |
Scanner/XSS | dalfox | DalFox(Finder Of XSS) / Parameter Analysis and XSS Scanning tool based on golang |
Scanner/XSS | kxss | XSS Reflection scanner |
Scanner/XSS | XSStrike | Most advanced XSS scanner. |
Utility/CALLBACK | dnsobserver | A handy DNS service written in Go to aid in the detection of several types of blind vulnerabilities. It monitors a pentester's server for out-of-band DNS interactions and sends lookup notifications via Slack. |
Utility/COMBINE | comb | Combine the lines from two files in every combination. |
Utility/FLOW | SequenceDiagram | Online tool for creating UML sequence diagrams |
Utility/ENV | axiom | A dynamic infrastructure toolkit for red teamers and bug bounty hunters! |
Utility/SCRNSHOT | gowitness | mag gowitness - a golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless |
Utility/GREP | gf | A wrapper around grep, to help you grep for things |
Utility/JSON | gron | Make JSON greppable! |
Utility/JSPARSER | LinkFinder | A python script that finds endpoints in JavaScript files |
Utility/MINIFY | js-beautify | Beautifier for javascript |
Utility/URLPARSER | unfurl | Pull out bits of URLs provided on stdin |
Utility/TEMPLATE | bountyplz | Automated security reporting from markdown templates (HackerOne and Bugcrowd are currently the platforms supported) |
Utility/VULN | Gopherus | This tool generates gopher link for exploiting SSRF and gaining RCE in various servers |
Utility/VULN | oxml_xxe | A tool for embedding XXE/XML exploits into different filetypes |
Utility/VULN | postMessage-tracker | A Chrome Extension to track postMessage usage (url, domain and stack) both by logging using CORS and also visually as an extension-icon |
Utility/VULN | s3-bucket-list | A Chrome Extension to Finds Amazon S3 Buckets while browsing then records it in the add-on content. |
Utility/KEYHACK | keyhacks | Repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid. |
Utility/KEYHACK | AdvancedKeyHacks | API Key/Token Exploitation Made easy. |
List/PAYLOAD | PayloadsAllTheThings | A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF |
List/WORDLIST | SecLists | SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more. |
List/WORDLIST | CT_subdomains | An hourly updated list of subdomains gathered from certificate transparency logs |
Discovery/S3 | s3enum | Fast Amazon S3 bucket enumeration tool for pentesters. |
Discovery/CICD | secretz | secretz, minimizing the large attack surface of Travis CI |
Discovery/GIT | gitGraber | Monitor GitHub to search and find sensitive data |
Discovery/GIT | truffleHog | Searches through git repositories for high entropy strings and secrets, digging deep into commit history |
Discovery/GQL | graphql-voyager | 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph |
Discovery/GQL | inql | InQL - A Burp Extension for GraphQL Security Testing |
Scanner/GQL | GraphQLmap | GraphQLmap is a scripting engine to interact with a graphql endpoint for pentesting purposes. |
Scanner/NOSQL | NoSQLMap | Automated NoSQL database enumeration and web application exploitation tool. |