- An attempt at unpacking in layman's terms what computation and information are.
def computation¹: the transformation of sequences of symbols by precise rules(Konrad, 2015:6).
- de symbols = {1,0,*,{,;,<,>,...}
- example sequences:
- 11010
- ;*>{11} i.e. any sequence of the valid symbols
- example sequences:
- def precise rules = steps to follow
- de symbols = {1,0,*,{,;,<,>,...}
def computation²: The evolution process of some environment, by a sequence of "simple, local" steps (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
def computation: a list of steps to do something
def compute: to do/run a computation.
plain english: ???
def information: ???
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- Konrad H. 2015. Computation in Science. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Church-Turing Thesis. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/church-turing/.
Q: Question for later research
MYINC: My Insight/Conjecture [Could Be Unoriginal/False and Likely Is]
Disclaimer: This is an ongoing and incomplete project to unpack these concepts and serve as distributed memory.