A file viewer for Android
Desktop version here - /~https://github.com/praharshjain/Vudit-Desktop
- Files listing
- Image viewer, music and video player
- PDF viewer
- HTML viewer
- PGN viewer
- Code syntax highligher
- Save recently viewed and favourite items
Supported file types and extensions -
Media files:
Audio files - "mp3", "ogg", "wav", "mid", "m4a", "amr"
Image files - "png", "jpg", "gif", "bmp", "jpeg", "webp", "svg"
Video files - "mp4", "3gp", "mkv", "webm", "flv", "3g2", "avi", "mov", "vob", "m4v"
Document files:
Open document formats - "odt", "ott", "odp", "otp", "ods", "ots", "fodt", "fods", "fodp"
Other formats - "pdf", "djv", "djvu", "epub", "opf", "tex", "latex", "rtf", "wmf", "md", "mkd", "mkdn", "mdwn", "mdown", "markdown", "ipynb", "pgn"
Zip Archive (zip)
SQLite File (sqlite)
Text files and code files (with syntax highlighting):
"ascii", "asm", "awk", "bash", "bat", "bf", "bsh", "c", "cert", "cgi", "clj", "conf", "cpp", "cs", "css", "csv", "elr", "go", "h", "hs", "htaccess", "htm", "html", "ini", "java", "js", "json", "key", "lisp", "log", "lua", "pem", "php", "pl", "py", "rb", "readme", "scala", "sh", "sql", "srt", "sub", "txt", "vb", "vbs", "vhdl", "wollok", "xml", "xsd", "xsl", "yaml", "iml", "gitignore", "gradle"
Any other file with mime type text
Open project in Android Studio and build from source.