docker pull pradhans0906/dockerized-copa:latest
docker pull pradhans0906/dockerized-copa:0.9.0-distroless
docker run --rm --privileged \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-e DOCKER_CONFIG=/root/.docker \
pradhans0906/dockerized-copa:latest \
- 🔒 Simple vulnerability patching for container images
- 🐳 Fully containerized solution
- 🔄 Works seamlessly with Docker Desktop
- 🛠️ Easy-to-use command-line interface
Perfect for DevOps engineers and developers who want to keep their container images secure without disrupting their existing workflows. Built for macOS users, compatible with Docker Desktop.
- Usage Guide
- Development Guide
- Contributing
- Changelog
- Docker Desktop (macOS)
- Docker-scout (scanner) To get the CVE details.
- Internet access for pulling images
docker pull pradhans0906/dockerized-copa:latest
git clone /~
cd dockerized-copa
docker build --no-cache --build-arg copa_version=0.9.0 -t copa-local:0.9.0 .
We also provide a distroless version for a more secure and lightweight container:
# Build the distroless version
docker build -t copa-distroless --build-arg copa_version=0.9.0 -f Distroless .
The distroless version provides:
- Smaller image size
- Reduced attack surface
- Direct binary execution
- No shell or unnecessary utilities
Using the distroless version:
docker run --rm --privileged \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
copa-distroless \
-i "nginx:1.22" -t "nginx:1.22-patched" --debug
# To patch Nginx
./scripts/ nginx:1.21.6
# Example output:
#18 sending tarball 1.0s done
#18 DONE 2.5s
time="2024-11-06T23:47:39Z" level=debug msg="stopping session"
time="2024-11-06T23:47:40Z" level=info msg="Loaded image: nginx:patched"
time="2024-11-06T23:47:40Z" level=warning msg="--debug specified, working folder at /tmp/copa-3235261740 needs to be manually cleaned up"
Check 'docker images' for the patched image:
docker images
nginx 1.21.6-patched 8945b370ac89 2 years ago 307MB
nginx 1.21.6 2bcabc23b454 2 years ago 418MB
./scripts/ nginx:1.21.6 1.21.6-secure
nginx 1.21.6-secure a87859d4a2d2 2 years ago 307MB
nginx 1.21.6 2bcabc23b454 2 years ago 418MB
- Standard Version: Full featured, includes shell capabilities
- Distroless Version: Minimal size, enhanced security, direct binary execution
Let's check the status of the Vulns.
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Copacetic Team for the original COPA tool
- Docker Team for Docker Scout