👨💻 All of my projects are available at my Portfolio .
📝 I regularly write articles on my Blog
💬 Ask me about Python , HTML, CSS , SQL, Django , Database Designing , AI model Building
📫 Want to reach me Email Me 👇 .
class Prateek:
def __init__(self):
self.languages_I_code_on={ 'Python', 'Java' , 'HTML', 'CSS' .'JS', 'SQL' 'MySQL'}
self.technologies_Worked_on= {'FrontEnd Web Development' , 'BackEnd Developement' , 'Google Cloud Console' ,
'API-Integration in Python' , 'REST API', 'Large data Analytics using Tableau'}
self.workplace: {
college: 'NIET',
course: 'B-Tech',
specialization : 'AI and machine learning'
self.availableForHire: true