mlkem-native is a secure, fast and portable C90 implementation of ML-KEM. It is a fork of the ML-KEM reference implementation.
mlkem-native includes native backends for AArch64 and AVX2, offering competitive performance on most Arm, Intel and AMD platforms (see benchmarks). The frontend and the C backend (i.e., all C code in mlkem/* and mlkem/fips202/*) are verified using CBMC to be free of undefined behaviour. In particular, there are no out of bounds accesses, nor integer overflows during optimized modular arithmetic.
mlkem-native is supported by the Post-Quantum Cryptography Alliance as part of the Linux Foundation.
# Install base packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install make gcc python3 git
# Clone mlkem-native
git clone /~
cd mlkem-native
# Build and run tests
make build
make test
# The same using `tests`, a convenience wrapper around `make`
./scripts/tests all
# Show all options
./scripts/tests --help
See for more information.
mlkem-native is being developed with security at the top of mind. All native code is constant-time in the sense that
it is free of secret-dependent control flow, memory access, and instructions that are commonly variable-time,
thwarting most timing side channels.
The C code is hardened against compiler-introduced timing side channels (such as
KyberSlash or clangover)
through suitable barriers and constant-time patterns.
Absence of secret-dependent branches, memory-access patterns
and variable-latency instructions is also tested using valgrind
with various combinations of compilers and
compilation options.
We use the C Bounded Model Checker (CBMC) to prove absence of various classes of undefined behaviour in C, including out of bounds memory accesses and integer overflows. The proofs cover all C code in mlkem/* and mlkem/fips202/* involved in running mlkem-native with its C backend. See proofs/cbmc for details.
HOL-Light functional correctness proofs for the optimized AArch64 NTT ntt.S and inverse NTT intt.S can be found in proofs/hol_light/arm. These proofs were contributed by John Harrison, and are utilizing the verification infrastructure provided by s2n-bignum infrastructure.
mlkem-native is in alpha-release stage. We believe it is ready for use, and hope to spark experiments on integration into other software before issuing a stable release. If you have any feedback, please reach out! See for details.
mlkem-native is split in a frontend and two backends for arithmetic and FIPS-202 (SHA3). The frontend is fixed, written in C and covers all routines that are not critical to performance. The backends are flexible, take care of performance-sensitive routines, and can be implemented in C or native code (assembly/intrinsics); see mlkem/native/api.h for the arithmetic backend and mlkem/fips202/native/api.h for the FIPS-202 backend. mlkem-native currently offers three backends for C, AArch64 and x86_64 - if you'd like contribute new backends, please reach out or just open a PR.
Our AArch64 assembly is developed using SLOTHY: We write 'clean' assembly by hand and automate micro-optimizations (e.g. see the clean vs optimized AArch64 NTT). See dev/ for more details.
mlkem-native is currently intended to be used as a code package, where source files are imported into a consuming project's source tree and built using that project's build system. See examples/mlkem_native_as_code_package for an example. The build system provided in this repository is for experimental and development purposes only. If you prefer a library-build, please get in touch or open an issue.
Absolutely: You can add further backends for ML-KEM native arithmetic and/or for FIPS-202. Follow the existing backends as templates, or see examples/custom_backend for a minimal example how to register a custom backend.
If your library has a FIPS-202 implementation, you can use it instead of the one shipped with mlkem-native: Replace
by your FIPS-202 implementation, and make sure to include replacements for the headers
and mlkem/fips202/fips202x4.h
and the functionalities specified
therein. See for details, and
examples/bring_your_own_fips202 for an example using
No. While we recommend that you consider using it, mlkem-native will build + run fine without CBMC -- just make sure to
include cbmc.h and have CBMC
undefined. In particular, you do not need to remove all function
contracts and loop invariants from the code; they will be ignored unless CBMC
is set.
If you think you have found a security bug in mlkem-native, please report the vulnerability through Github's private vulnerability reporting. Please do not create a public GitHub issue.
If you have any other question / non-security related issue / feature request, please open a GitHub issue.
If you want to help us build mlkem-native, please reach out. You can contact the mlkem-native team through the PQCA Discord. See also