CTT-demo - transistor tester and characteristic curve plotter
Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Pozsár Zsolt pozsarzs@gmail.com
Homepage: http://www.pozsarzs.hu/
GitHub: /~https://github.com/pozsarzs/ctt-demo-sw
- architecture: i386, amd64
- operation system: Linux
- version: v0.1
- language: en, hu
- licence: EUPL v1.1 or later
- user interface: GUI
External libraries in package
- Ararat Synapse by Lukas Gebauer
- Bin/Oct/Dec/Hex number converter unit for Turbo Pascal v3.0 Public Domain, Copyright (C) 1993 by Tom Wellige
Note: This application is a demo version of the CTT. You can view and test the application, but you can't measure.