This project is the C++ implementation of powsybl-math SparseMatrix
class, relying on SuiteSparse project.
To build powsybl-math-native
, you need the following dependencies:
- CMake
- C++ compiler (gcc, clang or Visual Studio)
- Java (11 or later)
To build powsybl-math-native
, run the following commands:
$> git clone /~
$> cd powsybl-math-native
$> mkdir build
$> cd build
$> cmake ..
$> make
$> cd ..
$> mvn install
To build powsybl-math-native
, run the following commands:
$> git clone /~
$> cd powsybl-math-native
$> mkdir build
$> cd build
$> cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles"
$> nmake
$> cd ..
$> mvn install