Polysquare CI Scripts (common to a few modules).
A redirect to the raw version of these scripts exists at
. You can curl them to
a python interpreter.
$(curl -LSs https://public-travis-scripts.polysquare.org/bootstrap.py |
python /dev/stdin -s setup/project/setup.py)
Travis CI | AppVeyor | Coverage |
The idea behind these scripts is that their output is intended to be evaluated by the parent shell. The main work is done inside the script itself (eg, in python) and then we rely on the parent shell to save environment variables and other state between script steps.
What these scripts do is set up a "container" with installations of
various programming languages or libraries in a self-contained manner. They
can be re-used across builds by adding the specified container to
the cache
key of your /.travis.yml
is responsible for creating or re-using a container
and then executing a script which makes use of that container in some
Bootstrap CI Scripts
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Directory to store language runtimes, scripts and
other script details in
-s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
Script to pass control to
-e, --eval-output Evaluate output
Directory where scripts are already stored in
The script passed to --script
is expressed as a path relative to
the current directory, or, if such a file does not exist, then a path
relative to the ciscripts
directory as hosted on
. Scripts are downloaded
on-the-fly if they don't exist. This means that if you have a project using
a particular language that doesn't differ from the way most projects
using that language works, you can just refer to that language's setup
script and run it.
Scripts passed to --script
must have a function named run
defined as
def run(container, util, parent_shell, **kwargs):
This script passes control to other scripts. It also defines a function in
the parent shell called polysquare_run
which provides a shorthand way
of calling itself in future.
Setup scripts are located at /ciscripts/setup/language/setup.py
where language
indicates the language-type of the project which should be set up. The output
of a setup script should be evaluated as it will set environment variables in
the parent scope. Usually these environment variables will be set in order to
'activate' a certain language installation in the container.
Setup scripts ensure that a project's dependencies are installed.
Check scripts are located at /ciscripts/check/language/check.py
language indicates the language-type of the project which will be checked. This
step is responsible for running both static analysis, builds and any linters.
The output of these scripts does not need to be evaluated.
The clean script is located at /ciscripts/clean.py
and is responsible for
cleaning out any set up language installations before the container directory
is compressed and uploaded for caching. Usually the various language
installations will register themselves in a text file upon installation and
this script will get a handle for their container and call its clean
The files cleaned are usually temporary files, source code, static libraries, documentation and other files which are not necessary for installing any additional programs or libraries in that language installation.
Usually most languages will not provide this. However, in the case where
something from a language container is required for the deploy step, this
script can be evaluated and called from the bootstrap script in order to
set that thing up. It cannot be called with polysquare_run
in the deploy
step as environment variables and functions are not defined at this point.
Generally speaking, scripts are designed to be called from other scripts and
. They should have a run
function with the signature as
discussed earlier.
Scripts should never use any functionality that is not in the python standard library, as there is no opportunity to install dependencies safely with pip.
Scripts should never print anything to the standard output, except by
using the parent_shell
variable passed to them. The standard output is
evaluated by the parent shell, but the standard error is displayed on
The parent_shell
variable defines the following functions:
: Causes environment variablekey
to be overwritten withvalue
: Removesvalue
from an environment variable list specified atkey
: Prependvalue
to environment variable list atkey
: Define a function which calls a specified command with its argumentskey
: Causes the shell to exit with a certain status.
Generally speaking you wouldn't use any of these functions directly, but you
would pass the parent_shell
to an equivalent function on the util
which will also set environment variables in the current scope too.
Dependencies between scripts must be expressed as passing modules around
as keyword arguments to the run
function of those scripts. Fetch a module
using the fetch_and_import
function on a container object. This will ensure
that the script is downloaded or re-used appropriately. Never express
dependencies as imports.
The ContainerDir
object is responsible for managing the "container" directory
specified on the command-line to /bootstrap.py
. It manages three internal
: For all installations of programming languages which are not the language being used as the project language on travis-ci._scripts
: A local mirror of downloaded scripts._cache
: Both "named" and temporary cache directories.
The idea is that these directories are preserved between builds, to avoid expensive re-installation of dependencies that we've already installed.
Any language directory expressed as a subclass of LanguageBase
functions in
a similar way to the parent container directory. Language installations are
"activatable" in the sense that they all export the activate
, deactivate
and deactivated
functions and context managers. These functions
set environment variables both in the local scope and parent scope to ensure
that dependencies are installed in to this language installation and that
any interpreters and compilers are launched from this language installation.
In order to implement a new type of language directory, you should subclass
the LanguageBase
class. The main assumption is that any language
subclass will be created for a directory that already has that language
installed, so you will need to handle that yourself before creating the class.
Usually the subclass will implement the following functions:
: This function is responsible for cleaning out the language directory such that it would be a suitable candidate for being cached. This means that all temporary files, documentation, build files and unneeded source code are removed._active_environment
: This function specifies the values that certain environment variables will have when the language installation is considered "active". It returns a tuple as specified in itstuple_type
argument with theoverwrite
member set to a dictionary of environment variables and their new values (overwriting the old ones) and theprepend
value set to a dictionary of environment variables and values to prepend to their existing value.
Usually you wouldn't print anything to the standard error by yourself, but
instead use the Task
API to specify when a task is being run. Tasks are
printed in a nested fashion. When task A is still running and task B starts,
it is considered a "sub-task" of task A and printed as indented within it.
In order to indicate that a certain task is running for a set of commands
use Task
as a context manager, for example:
with util.Task("Performing some action"):
with util.Task("Performing sub-action one"):
with util.Task("Performing sub-action two"):
Some wrappers around the subprocess
module are provided to execute certain
tasks and manage their output and return code.
The main function is the execute
function in the util
module. This
takes a ContainerDir
and an output-management mode as its first two arguments,
with its remaining arguments being the arguments to pass to the command itself.
The output management modes are as follows:
: Suppress all output unless there is an error, showing it on the correct indent level.util.running_output
: Show output by default, on the correct indent level.util.long_running_suppressed_output(N)
: Likeutil.output_on_fail
but prints dots everyN
seconds while the command is running. This ensures that for long running commands travis-ci will not time out waiting for additional output.
The util
module also provides some functions which simplify a number
of operations across files:
: Runsfunction
is not found in the system'sPATH
: Applyfunc
to all files intree_node
which match patterns inmatching
and do not match patterns innot_matching
, recursively.util.apply_to_directories
: Applyfunc
to all directories intree_node
which match patterns inmatching
and do not match patterns innot_matching
, recursively.