Backend application made in spring-boot 2 and kotlin for educational purposes. All application features description is available in client application parkandrest-ui. Application is fully tested on windows 10. Application consists of three microservices:
- Parkingmanagement - handles all parking related activities
- Security - handles users management and Oauth 2.0 authorization.
- Timemanagement - handles time manipulation (should be deployed only for development or testing purposes).
- Rabbitmq publisher/subscribers implementation (publish event on one exchange, subscribe to it by many queues)
- Oauth 2.0 Server implementation
- Kotlin + Spring Boot 2 project setup
- Flyway configuration
- RESTful architecture
- Spock testing
- Microservices with kotlin
- PostgreSQL
- Docker compose
- Java Runtime Environment 11
- Window 10 operation system
- Docker
- Maven 3.6.0
You should not encounter any errors during any of those steps.
- Make sure docker is running
- Share your local drives in docker (necessary for rabbitMQ container)
- Run docker-up.bat
- Run docker-rabbit-config.bat
- Run build.bat
- Create parkandrest database (connect to postgresql database and execute create-db.sql )
- Run init-db.bat
- Run dev-deploy.bat
- Make sure that docker is running
- Make sure that all three containers are running
- Run build.bat
- Run dev-deploy.bat
Application uses docker containers. To delete the containers run docker-down.bat.
Then you should manually install and configure PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ.
Appplication uses flyway to maintain database state. To migrate database run migrate.bat.
- database - flyway migrations for database state management
- docker - docker related scripts
- exception-api - library used by parkingmanagement and security in order to manage exception
- parkingmanagement-api - data transfer objects and exceptions for parking management
- parkingmanagement-core - parking management business layer
- parkingmanagement-web - REST API and Spring configurations for parking management
- security-api - data transfer objects and exceptions for security
- security-core - spring security configurations (Oauth 2.0), user management business layer
- security-web - REST API and Spring configurations for security
- timemanagement - application time management features
- timemanagement-web - REST API and Spring configurations for time management
URL | Description | Required authority to access |
host:8080/parkingmanagement/account/monitor/financialReport | Returns financial report for requested parking and date. | OWNER |
host:8080/parkingmanagement/parkingmeter/checkParkingSpace | Checks parking meter (has it started and when) for requested parking space. | DRIVER |
host:8080/parkingmanagement/parkingmeter/start | Starts parking meter for requested parking space and vehicle. | DRIVER |
host:8080/parkingmanagement/parkingmeter/stop | Stops parking meter for vehicle on requested parking space and returns calculated charge. | DRIVER |
host:8080/parkingmanagement/parkingmeter/checkVehicle | Checks parking meter (has it started and when) for requested vehicle. | OPERATOR |
host:8080/parkingmanagement/parkingmeter/parkingSpaces | Returns filtered parking spaces list which would answer questions like "Is parking space free? What vehicles are currently parked?". | OPERATOR |
URL | Description | Required authority to access |
host:8082/security/oauth/token | Allows user to login, return response with JWT tokens (access and refresh) and authorities string. The token is necessary to access restricted endpoints. | None |
host:8082/security/revoke/token | Allows user to logout (removes created access and refresh tokens from database). | Any authority |
host:8082/security/users/sign-up | Registers new user to system. | ADMIN |
host:8082/security/users/activate | Activates user. | ADMIN |
host:8082/security/users/deactivate | Deactivates user. After this he can no longer login and access restricted endpoints. | ADMIN |
host:8082/security/user/exist | Checks if user with provided username already exists in database. | ADMIN |
host:8082/security/users | Returns filtered system users list. | ADMIN |
URL | Description | Required authority to access |
host:8081/timemanagement/time/increment | Increments system time by hours. Should only be available enabled during development. | None |
host:8081/timemanagement/time/restore | Restores system time to current value. Should only be available during development. | None |
Get the client application here and then just run it simultaneously with this application.
Language | Total Lines | Source Code Lines | Source Code Lines [%] | Comment Lines | Comment Lines [%] | Blank Lines | Blank Lines [%] |
Kotlin | 3395 | 2581 | 76% | 204 | 6% | 610 | 18% |
Groovy | 1357 | 1154 | 85% | 70 | 5% | 133 | 10% |
- add logging (ELK stack)
- add service discovery and api-gateway
- db per microservice
- swagger docs
- pom refactor (make child poms self sustaining)
- full linux support