Modification of to create a square spritesheet instead of a single row.
Creates a new spritesheet (animation frames) from the layers of an image.
- To install, copy SpriteSheetSquare.scm to {GIMP-HOME}\share\gimp\2.0\scripts\SpriteSheetSquare.scm
- Either close Gimp and re-open, or simply select menu: Filters > Script-Fu > Refresh Scripts
- Load your images via File > Open as layers (select all the images you want to in the spritesheet)
- Optionally re-order your layers to determine ultimate order. Bottom-most layer will be left-most image in final merge.
- Run menu option Filters > Sprite-Sheet-Square > Create From Layers...
You should end up with a new image that fits the layers you opened next to each other in a square.
- Code License: Public Domain
- Scripting Engine: Script-Fu