C++ bindings for libpmemobj (/~https://github.com/pmem/pmdk) More information in include/libpmemobj++/README.md
- cmake >= 3.3
- libpmemobj-dev(el) >= 1.7 (http://pmem.io/pmdk/)
- compiler with C++11 support
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install
$ ...
$ ...
$ ctest --output-on-failure
make package
$GEN is type of package generator and can be RPM or DEB
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX must be set to a destination were packages will be installed
In order to build your application with libpmemobj-cpp and pmemcheck / memcheck / helgrind / drd, Valgrind instrumentation must be enabled during compilation by adding flags:
- LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_VG_PMEMCHECK_ENABLED=1 for pmemcheck instrumentation,
- LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_VG_MEMCHECK_ENABLED=1 for memcheck instrumentation,
- LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_VG_HELGRIND_ENABLED=1 for helgrind instrumentation,
- LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_VG_DRD_ENABLED=1 for drd instrumentation, or
- LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_VG_ENABLED=1 for all Valgrind instrumentations (including pmemcheck).
If there are no memcheck / helgrind / drd / pmemcheck headers installed on your system, build will fail.
vcpkg install pmdk:x64-windows
vcpkg integrate install
cmake . -Bbuild -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
msbuild build/ALL_BUILD.vcxproj