This is a self-directed project in which I re-created the design/layout and functioning of a website I liked. ---> ---> www.
I did the entire project wth nearly no looking at the original code.
Occasions where I did look at the code were: to find exact colors, occasionally look at width and/or height of an object, occasionally look at how many columns and/or rows were in a grid, and realizing SVGs were being used after attempting to re-create things in pure CSS.
Major take away: implementing React for the first time, noticing some gaps or uncertainties in current knowledge; creating SVGs for the first time, via inkspace; to go into future projects with having spent more time organizing the plan of action before jumping into the code.
Other take away: more familiarity with grid and general CSS styling, getting reacquainted with code after taking a break.
The code in this project is by no means perfect but I didn't want to get bogged down by trying to achieve perfection as I'm learning; instead, I wanted to make sure I followed the project through to the end and to take what I've learned from this project, into the next one.