Raspberry Pi based smart garden monitoring project for "Internet of Things: Exactum Greenhouse" course at Univerity of Helsinki
- Raspberry Pi 512Mb B+
- SparkFun Humidity and Temperature Sensor Breakout - SHT15
- Seeed Studio Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor
- HCSR-04 ultrasonic ranging module
- Solenoid controlled water reservoir and watering system
- NodeJS based monitoring software that runs on RaspberryPi
- AngularJS based Firebase web application for data visualisation
- A 3D printed plastic casing
An experimental research laboratory located on rooftop of the Exactum building in Kumpula Campus called "Exactum Greenhouse".
- Nodejs installed globally
- Forever installed globally
sudo apt-get install fswebcam
Install app
run npm install run ./install.sh