Make a stunning database apps for your business really fast, for free. This is the Demo for PythonAnywhere and Azure which you can access from here:
- SAP Theme Demo:
- Personal Account Ledger from MS Access template:
- Northwind Traders from MS Access template:
- The ERP POC Demo with Italian and English translations:
- Assets/Parts Application (wip)
With you can create, customise, test and share awesome, fast, event-driven applications for SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird and SQLCipher. All of that for free and no vendor lock-in:
DRY principle! Don't repeat yourself, do it once, do it well.
With Application Builder, you can resolve a specific business problem. Out of the box Jam is providing: fast access to underlying databases, security, authentication, validation, calendars, multi languages, all of that with minimum of coding needed. Being Python framework, it is extensible and flexible.
“All in the browser” framework
- Internet Browser IDE
- Code Editor with Syntax Highlighting and Code Completion
- No declarative options, you are in charge.
- Instant WYSIWYG
- Application lifecycle tracking.
- SQL and stored procedures supported for major vendors.
- Integrate any Python library with no contract lock-in and reduce cost instantly.
- Bootstrap, JQuery, JS, all in here. Use it with no fuss and learning this massive libraries.
- Create rich, informative reports, due to band-oriented report generation based on LibreOffice templates.
Event driven grids
- Event driven grids enable you to easily manipulate data simply by clicking on a cell and editing its value.
- Event driven data-aware visual interface controls makes the framework flexible and powerful.
- Edit your data in the grid, as you would in any Desktop spreadsheet application.
- Create the master-detail table with breeze, utilising templates for displaying, which is no more than a copy/paste. Easy. * Again, no declarative methods, the control is with you as it should be.
jsCharts or any charting libraries
- Locked-in with a vendor charting capabilities? Never again. Use free libraries as jsChart,
- Use the same charting capabilities on your mobile devices, once for all.
- Visualise charts immediately after you create/import tables, with a few lines of code. Simple and effective.
- Analyzing/displaying BIG data? Add free Python lib's, build a Jam Web Form with parameters, execute on the server.
- Profit.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- python 2.7 // python 3.x
- For MySQL database access: mysqlclient, libmysqlclient-dev
- For Oracle database access: cx_oracle
- For Firebird database access: fdb
- For SQLCipher database access: /~
- For SQLCipher database access on Windows: compile by yourself or download from Jam maillist
- For Reports editing/creation: LibreOffice
The easiest is to use the standalone pip installer.
If you’re using Linux, Mac OS X or some other flavor of Unix, enter the command:
sudo pip install
at the shell prompt. If you’re using Windows, start a command shell with administrator privileges and run the command:
pip install
This will install in your Python installation’s site-packages directory.
Download the package archive from /~
Create a new directory and unzip the archive there.
From the above directory, enter the command:
sudo python install
This will install in your Python installation’s site-packages directory.
Navigate to installation demo folder, enter the command:
You'll have the Demo App running at http://localhost:8001
mkdir newapp
cd newapp
The new and empty App will run at http://localhost:8001
Please visit for complete Getting Started Introduction.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Andrew Yushev -
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the BSD License.
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Inspiration
- etc