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Challenge requirements

You product manager is reaching out to you and kindly requests some basic report on listings and leads on our platform. Ideally the report is a web-ui so the product manager can look into it on a regular basis.

The report should include:

  • Average Listing Selling Price per Seller Type
  • Distribution (in percent) of available cars by Make
  • Average price of the 30% most contacted listings
  • The Top 5 most contacted listings per Month


The present state of this repository delivers the following milestones:

  1. A web application that displays / outputs the reports which are server genereted html using Express. The style was kept quite simple with the use of Bootstrap.
  2. An API endpoint which exposes the data in a structured format. This could be used from other teams within the same company that would like to re-use the aggregations.

Terms & Taxonomy

  • Listing: that's the representation of a car being sold.
  • Make: "Producer" of cars, for instance BWM, Audi, VW, etc.
  • Seller Type: What kind of seller is behind that listing. If it's "private", that means the car will be sold by a private person. If it's dealer, it's means that the car is sold on a dealer shop. "Other" means another types of sellers that ate not relevant in this context.
  • Lead: Contact between a car buyer and car seller.

Acceptance Criteria

Average Listing Selling Price per Seller Type

  • There are three Seller Types: private, dealer and other.
  • For each of these types, it should be provided an average selling price.
  • The average price should be formatted as € #,-
  • Output format is free for you to choose, but an example could be:
Seller Type Average in Euro
private € 2.500,-
dealer € 3.529,-
other € 1.200,-

Percentual distribution of available cars by Make

  • For each make, it should be reported the percentual amount of listings.
  • The report should be sorted by distribution, where makes with biggest numbers stays on top.
  • Output format is free for you to choose, but an example could be:
Make Distribution
Audi 55%
BMW 35%
VW 10%

Average price of the 30% most contacted listings

  • Using the "Contacts CSV list", report the average price(format: € #,-) of the 30% most contacted listings.
  • Output format is free for you to choose, but an example could be:
Average price
€ 12.512,-

The Top 5 most contacted listings per Month

  • Using the "Contacts CSV list", report which listing had more contacts in each month.
  • Reported fields: Ranking, Listing Id, Make, Selling Price (format: € #,-), Mileage(format: # KM), Total Amount of contacts
  • Output format is free for you to choose, but an example could be:

Month: 01.2020

Ranking Listing Id Make Selling Price Mileage Total Amount of contacts
1 1000 BWM € 2.538,- 50.000 KM 15
2 1001 Audi € 4.300,- 20.000 KM 12
3 1002 Toyota € 18.250,- 35.000 KM 11
4 1003 VW € 25.080,- 45.678 KM 10
5 1004 Porsche € 102.000,- 2.000 KM 8

Month: 02.2020

Ranking Listing Id Make Selling Price Mileage Total Amount of contacts
1 1004 Porsche € 102.000,- 2.000 KM 18
2 1001 Audi € 4.300,- 20.000 KM 17
3 1000 BWM € 2.538,- 50.000 KM 15
4 1003 VW € 25.080,- 45.678 KM 10
5 1002 Toyota € 18.250,- 35.000 KM 3

Definition of the CSV files

  • Listing.csv
field type required
id numeric yes
make alphanumeric yes
price numeric yes
mileage numeric yes
seller_type alphanumeric yes
  • contacts.csv
field type required
listing_id numeric yes
contact_date UTC Timestamp(ms) yes

Setup and execution

To run the application you will need the following:

  • Node.js installed on your machine
  • A clone of this repository
  • Inside the project directory run npm install in order to install all the dependencies.
  • Start the server with npm start
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to get a review all the reports.
  • Make a get request to API endpoint http://localhost:3000/api/reports to receive a json file with all the reports in a sctructured format.


At the present state of the repository, the only tests that are provided are for the function #avgListingSellingPrice. To run all tests simply execute the command npm test inside the project's directory.