A Datalog parser. This parser is used by Datahike and follows the Datalog dialect of Datomic.
Add the current release of io.lambdaforge/datalog-parser
to your project.clj
. Start a repl and run:
(require '[datalog.parser :as parser])
(parser/parse '[:find ?x :in $ ?y :where [?x :z ?y]])
;;=> (namespaces omitted for brevity)
;; #Query{:qfind #FindRel{:elements [#Variable{:symbol ?x}]}
;; :qwith nil
;; :qin [#BindScalar{:variable #SrcVar{:symbol $}}
;; #BindScalar{:variable #Variable{:symbol ?y}}]
;; :qwhere [#Pattern{:source #DefaultSrc{}
;; :pattern [#Variable{:symbol ?x}
;; #Constant{:value :z}
;; #Variable{:symbol ?y}]}]}
For more examples look at the tests.
To benchmark or profile the parser, change to the parser-perf namespace or require it:
(in-ns 'datalog.parser-perf')
Then run the parse benchmark or profiler:
To see the produced flame graph, you can start a web server at port
(in-ns 'datalog.parser-perf')
(prof/server-files port)
Unparsing support, missing types:
- PullSpec
- PullAttrName
- PullReverseAttrName
- PullLimitExpr
- PullDefaultExpr
- PullWildcard
- PullRecursionLimit
- PullMapSpecEntry
- PullAttrWithOpts
Copyright © 2020 lambdaforge UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Nikita Prokopov
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0.