WARNING: This code is mostly deprecated. Have a look at ppkMHD
Magneto Rotational Instability simulation in a shearing box setup (800x1600x800) made in 2013 on TGCC/CURIE using 256 GPUs. Here Reynolds number is 25000 and Prandtl number is 4.
See doxygen-generated documentation in doc sub-directory
Quickstart for building RAMSES-GPU using CMake (recommended)
Default CUDA compilation flags can be passed to cmake using env variable CUDAFLAGS, or directly set CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS on the configuration command line (see below).
# step 0:
git clone /~https://github.com/pkestene/ramsesGPU.git
# step 1:
cd ramsesGPU; mkdir build
# step 2:
# step 3:
make -j 8
Please, note that if you use a more recent version of cmake (>= 3.24), at step 2, you can use -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=native
and cmake will auto-detect the GPU architecture on the build host.
You should get executable ramsesGPU_mpi_cuda. Explore other flag using the ccmake user interface.
- Quickstart for building RAMSES-GPU using autotools (deprecated)
- make sure to have up-to-date autotools on you build system (autoconf, automake, libtool, m4); then run
sh autogen.sh
- configure --with-cuda=
- make (or make -j N to speed-up compilation time; you might need to execute make several times when using option -j)
Note: make sure to have CUDA toolkit installed, and environment variables PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly set.
This will build the monoCPU / monoGPU version of the programme to solve hydro/MHD problems. Executable are located in src subdirectory and named euler_cpu / euler_gpu
Execute a test run:
cd src
./euler_gpu --param ../data/jet2d_gpu.ini
This will start a Hydrodynamics 2D jet simulation run. Output files can be in multiple file format (VTK, Hdf5, ...).
To visualize Hdf5 output, just run:
paraview --data=./jet2d_gpu.xmf
Contact, questions, comments:
pierre.kestener at cea.fr