This is the repository for the work, exercises and analysis related to the Springboard Data Science Career Track program. The capstone projects for the course can be found in separate repos and are no longer hosted here (they can be found here and here, respectively). The table below shows the mini-reports, projects, and exercises I have completed in the program.
Chapter | Subject | File |
Data wrangling | JSON manipulation | report |
Inferential statistics | Analyze human body temperature using EDA | report |
Examine racial discrimination using EDA | report | |
Reduce hospital readmissions using EDA | report | |
Machine Learning | Linear regression on Boston housing data | report |
Logistic regression on heights and weights | report | |
Predicting movie ratings from reviews using Naive Bayes | report | |
Customer segmentation using Clustering | report | |
Data Science at Scale | MapReduce and Spark | report |
Take-Home Challenge | Relax Challenge - Important factors for prediction | report |
Ultimate Challenge - End-to-end DS analysis | report |