web application both web and mobile optimized to track and visualize every single corona virus cases in India. you can see the live demo of application at COVI19 India DashBoard
- User can Track the Total No of Cases in India or Sate
- User can Track the Total No of Cured in India or Sate
- User can Track the Total No of Deaths in India or Sate
- User can See the Predicted Total No of Case
- User can See the Predicted Total No of Cured
- User can See the Predicted Total No of Death
- User Can Subscribe to daily mail Updates
1. git clone /~https://github.com/piyushpriyadarshi/Covid19IndiaTracker.git
1. Download and configure the Mysql Database
2. Create a Schema named as covid
1. create schema covid;
3. Run the schema.sql file into newly created covid schema.
4. Update the Database Details in application.properties
1. Install Python (if possible install python 3.6 or higher)
2. Install 3 modules (requests, bs4 and mysql-python-connector) using below command
1. pip install requests
2. pip install bs4
3. pip install mysql-python-connector
1. Create an acccount on sendgrid,
2. Create API from Sendgrid account
3. Update the Email Template from below link into Dynamic template of your account
4. update your Api key and Template id into application.properties
1. Open the Project in Intellij idea or Eclipse or STS
2. Run the application