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Hierarchical debug menu system for Unity that makes it easy to create intuitive and organized debug menus.
In general, many debug commands are created during game development, and the number of them increases as development progresses. As a result, it becomes difficult to find the desired command, which in turn leads to a decrease in development efficiency.
Unity Debug Sheet allows you to easily create a debug menu with a hierarchical structure. Its GUI can be easily and intuitively controlled by anyone, especially on mobile platforms.
Of course, it also supports vertical layout.
Adding debug commands is also easy.
// Label
AddLabel("Example Label");
// Button
AddButton("Example Button", clicked: () => { Debug.Log("Clicked"); });
// Switch
AddSwitch(false, "Example Switch", valueChanged: x => Debug.Log($"Changed: {x}"));
// Slider
AddSlider(0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Example Slider", valueChanged: x => Debug.Log($"Value Changed: {x}"));
You can try the demo by cloning this repository itself and playing the demo scenes. The following demo scenes are av
Character Viewer: CharacterViewerDemo.unity
This demo allows you to switch between character models, motions, etc. from the debug menu. It also include samples that integrate with other libraries such as Graphy and In-Game Debug Console to monitor performance.
Default Cells: DefaultCellsDemo.unity
This demo allows you to check the behavior of all the cells (generic name for items such as button, labels, and sliders, etc.) that are included in this library by default.
Custom Cells: CustomCellsDemo.unity
In addition to the default cells, you can create your own custom cells. This demo shows how to create custom cells.
Entry Scene: DemoEntry.unity The above three scenes can also be transitioned from the this scene. You can see how the debug sheet placed in each scene behaves as singleton.
This tool is compatible with the following environments.
- Unity 2020.3 or later
You can install this library by the steps below.
- Select Window > Package Manager from the menu bar.
- Click the + button in the upper left corner of the window and select Add package from git URL....
- Enter the following URL in the input field and click Add.
Or, you can also install by adding the following line to the dependencies
block of manifest.json
file in the Packages
"dependencies": {
"com.harumak.unitydebugsheet": "/~https://github.com/Haruma-K/UnityDebugSheet.git?path=/Assets/UnityDebugSheet"
If you want to specify the version, you can do so by adding the version number to the end of the URL.
You can update the version by changing the version number above.
If you do not specify the version, you can update it by opening the file Packages/package-lock.json
and rewriting the hash of this library.
"dependencies": {
"com.harumak.unitydebugsheet": {
"version": "/~https://github.com/Haruma-K/UnityDebugSheet.git?path=/Assets/UnityDebugSheet",
"depth": 0,
"source": "git",
"dependencies": {},
"hash": "..."
This section shows an easy way to set up and use the Unity Debug Sheet.
First, drag and drop the prefab named DebugSheetCanvas to Hierarchy window to place it in the scene. And if EventSystem not exists, create it.
Next, create a page for debugging.
Create the page by inheriting from DefaultDebugPageBase
as shown below.
The following is an example page with a single button that logs Clicked when clicked.
using System.Collections;
using UnityDebugSheet.Runtime.Core.Scripts;
using UnityEngine;
public sealed class ExampleDebugPage : DefaultDebugPageBase
protected override string Title { get; } = "Example Debug Page";
public override IEnumerator Initialize()
// Add a button to this page.
AddButton("Example Button", clicked: () => { Debug.Log("Clicked"); });
yield break;
Next, add a link to transition to the debug page created above.
Get the root page and add a link button to it as shown below.
using UnityDebugSheet.Runtime.Core.Scripts;
using UnityEngine;
public sealed class DebugSheetController : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
// Get or create the root page.
var rootPage = DebugSheet.Instance.GetOrCreateInitialPage();
// Add a link transition to the ExampleDebugPage.
NOTE If you want to use your own page as the root page instead of linking as above, use
instead ofGetOrCreateInitialPage().AddPageLinkButton<ExampleDebugPage()
The debug menu can be opened and closed by flicking up and down along the edge of the screen. On the actual device, the area extends from the edge of the screen to approximately 6mm within the safe area. In the demo scene, the red band is displayed in this area to visualize flickable range.
This behavior can be changed from the Flick To Open on the Debug Sheet component.
You can enable only the left or right side of the screen, or disable flick operation.
Warning In the Unity editor, this range is not necessarily 6mm because it simulate the resolution of the actual device. It is recommended to also use the operation with keyboard shortcuts described below.
You can also open and close the debug menu by pressing the button. To do this, set the click area from Click To Open on the Debug Sheet component. You can set the number of times you need to click in a row to open it in Click Count To Open.
You can use keyboard shortcuts to open and close the debug menu. In default, Control (Command on Mac) + Shift + D toggles the debug menu. Shortcuts can be freely changed from Keyboard Shortcut on the Debug Sheet component.
And you can also open/close the debug menu from your script as below.
// These scripts are attached on the GameObject "DebugSheetCanvas > Drawer".
StatefulDrawer drawer;
StatefulDrawerController drawerController;
// Toggle debug sheet.
var isClosed = Mathf.Approximately(drawer.Progress, drawer.MinProgress);
var targetState = isClosed ? DrawerState.Max : DrawerState.Min;
With the implementation up to this point, you can confirm that the debug menu works as follows.
This section describes the basic usage of the Unity Debug Sheet. The Quick Start section is the prerequisite, so please read it first.
In default, you can use the following cells.
Cell Name | Method Name to Add | Description |
Label | AddLabel | Used to display strings. |
Button | AddButton | Used to trigger actions when clicked. |
InputField | AddInputField | Used to input text. |
Switch | AddSwitch | Used to switch ON and OFF. |
Slider | AddSlider | Used to specify a numerical value within a range. |
Picker | AddPicker | Used to select one of several options. |
Enum Picker | AddEnumPicker | Used to select one of the elements of the enum. |
Multi Picker | AddMultiPicker | Used to select more than one from multiple options. |
Enum Multi Picker | AddEnumMultiPicker | Used to select more than one from the elements of the enum. |
Search Field | AddSearchField | Used to display the search field. |
Page Link Button | AddPageLinkButton | Used to transition to the other debug pages when clicked. |
Button Collection | AddButtonCollection | Use when you want to display many small buttons. |
You can check the behavior of each cell by playing the Default Cells Demo Scene. You can also create your own cells. See the Custom Cells section for more information about this.
You can use the following pages in default.
Class Name | Description |
DebugPage | Page with methods for adding default cells. |
FloatingButton | Page with a floating button at the bottom. If you need to a button, such as a "Submit" button, you can use this page. |
DefaultDebugPageBase | Base class for the debug page that has methods for adding default cells. It is an abstract class, so you need to inherit it to use. |
DebugPageBase | Base class for the debug page. It is an abstract class, so you need to inherit it to use. |
Using CellModel, you can update the contents of the cell that has been generated. The following is an example of renaming a generated button each time the Space key is pressed. Please refer to the comments for details.
using System.Collections;
using UnityDebugSheet.Runtime.Core.Scripts;
using UnityDebugSheet.Runtime.Core.Scripts.DefaultImpl.Cells;
using UnityEngine;
public sealed class ExampleDebugPage : DefaultDebugPageBase
private int _buttonCellIndex;
private ButtonCellModel _buttonCellModel;
private int _counter;
protected override string Title => "Example Debug Page";
public override IEnumerator Initialize()
// Create the CellModel and set data and events.
var buttonCellModel = new ButtonCellModel(false);
buttonCellModel.CellTexts.Text = GetButtonName();
buttonCellModel.Clicked += () => { Debug.Log("Clicked"); };
// Keep the index of the cell and the CellModel.
_buttonCellIndex = AddButton(buttonCellModel);
_buttonCellModel = buttonCellModel;
yield break;
private void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
// Update the cell data
_buttonCellModel.CellTexts.Text = GetButtonName();
// Refresh the target cell.
// You can also refresh all data by calling RefreshData().
private string GetButtonName()
return $"Example Button {_counter}";
In default, DebugSheetCanvas is used as a singleton. That is, if DebugSheetCanvas is placed in two scenes, the one instantiated first will be used and the one loaded later will be destroyed.
In this case, initialization should be only be done on the first DebugSheet
If the order of scene loading is not guaranteed, you can use DebugSheet.GetOrCreateInitializePage()
to get a page that has already been initialized, if any, and initialize it.
Please refer to the DemoEntry scene for the workflow in multiple scenes.
Note that if you do not want to use it as singleton, you can do it by unchecking Singleton in the DebugSheet component.
You should exclude GameObject, script files, and resources files related to the debug menu from the release builds.
You can exclude all scripts of the Unity Debug Sheet by adding EXCLUDE_UNITY_DEBUG_SHEET to the Scripting Define Symbols in the Player Settings.
Thus, if you enclose all your own code that accesses the Unity Debug Sheet with #if EXCLUDE_UNITY_DEBUG_SHEET
, you can exclude all the code from the release builds.
It may also be a good idea to combine your own scripts that accesses the Unity Debug Sheet into a single assembly and set Define Constraints in the asmdef.
In addition, you can completely exclude the debug menu from your build by doing the following.
- Delete the Resources folder containing the debug menu resources if you have created.
- Delete the GameObject containing the DebugSheet component in your scenes.
To create your own cell, first create a component that inherits from Cell and a model that inherits from CellModel to set data to it.
using UnityDebugSheet.Runtime.Core.Scripts;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public sealed class CustomTextCell : Cell<CustomTextCellModel>
[SerializeField] private Text _text;
[SerializeField] private LayoutElement _layoutElement;
private const int Padding = 36;
protected override void SetModel(CustomTextCellModel model)
_text.text = model.Text;
_text.color = model.Color;
_layoutElement.preferredHeight = _text.preferredHeight + Padding;
public sealed class CustomTextCellModel : CellModel
public string Text { get; set; }
public Color Color { get; set; } = Color.black;
Then, create a GUI, attach this component to it, and make it a prefab. Due to the implementation of the cell recycling system, the following points should be taken into account when implementing the cell.
- Attach a Layout Element to the root GameObject and input a height in the Preferred Height property.
- Set the width of the cell to a fixed value.
Next, set this cell to Cell Prefabs on the Debug Sheet.
All that remains is to add this cell to the page. Please refer to the demo scene of the custom cells for the actual implementation.
You can also use asynchronous methods instead of coroutines to define lifecycle events of debug page, as shown below.
using UnityDebugSheet.Runtime.Core.Scripts;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class SomePage : DefaultDebugPageBase
protected override string Title => "Some Page";
// Using asynchronous methods to define lifecycle events
public override async Task Initialize()
await Task.Delay(100);
To use asynchronous methods, add Scripting Define Symbols
in the following steps.
- Player Settings > Other Settings
- Add
toScripting Define Symbols
Note that Scripting Define Symbols
needs to be set for all platforms.
In default, the black GUI is displayed as the backdrop of the debug menu. You can hide it if you want by deactivating the GameObject of DebugSheetCanvas > Backdrop.
In default, the debug menu is closed when the backdrop is clicked. You can disable this behavior by unchecking Close When Backdrop Clicked in the Stateful Drawer Backdrop Controller component attached to the DebugSheetCanvas > Drawer.
You can change the Show/Hide animations by changing the AnimationDuration and AnimationCurve properties in the Stateful Drawer component attached to the DebugSheetCanvas > Drawer.
By default, the debug menu appears from outside the screen, and is placed outside the screen when it is hidden. You can work it within the safe area by checking Move Inside Safe Area property in the Debug Sheet Drawer component attached to the DebugSheetCanvas > Drawer.
You can also change the min/max size of the debug menu. If you changed this, it can always be displayed at the bottom of the screen, even when minimized, as shown below, for example.
To change the size of each state, edit the properties of the Debug Sheet Drawer attached to Debug Sheet Canvas > Drawer. Adjust the Min's Progress to change the size shen minimized and Size to change the size when maximized. Middle is the middle size applied when held vertically.
You can apply and check the size of each state by clicking Set State button in Debug area.
Unity Debug Sheet consists of uGUI, so you can freely customize the look by adjusting the properties.
- Color of the back and close buttons
- Color of the backdrop
- Text color of the title
The design of each cell can be freely customized by creating a custom cell. See the Custom Cells section for more information on this.
You can pop multiple pages at once.
To do this, specify the number of pages to be popped in the second argument of DebugSheet.PopPage()
DebugSheet debugSheet;
debugSheet.PopPage(true, 2);
You can also specify the destination PageID
can be obtained using the onLoad
callback of PushPage()
as shown below.
DebugSheet debugSheet;
debugSheet.PushPage<DebugPage>(true, onLoad: x =>
var pageId = x.pageId;
In addition, you can specify any ID by specifying the pageId
argument of PushPage()
DebugSheet debugSheet;
debugSheet.PushPage<DebugPage>(true, pageId: "MyPageId");
In addition, for the pages that are skipped when popping multiple pages, the lifecycle events before and after transition will not be called, only the event before destroying will be called. And the transition animation of the skipping pages will not be played.
Yuo can display the system information of Unity easily by this package.
Following features are now available.
Class name of DebugPage | Description |
SystemInfoDebugPage | Show the information of SystemInfo class. |
ApplicationDebugPage | Show the information of Application class. |
TimeDebugPage | Show the information of Time class. |
QualitySettingsDebugPage | Show the information of QualitySettings class. |
ScreenDebugPage | Show the information of Screen class. |
InputDebugPage | Show the information of Input class. |
GraphicsDebugPage | Show the information of Graphics class. |
PhysicsDebugPage | Show the information of Physics class. |
Physics2DDebugPage | Show the information of Physics2D class. |
Usage is as follows.
- (Only if you use your own assembly) Add UnityDebugSheet.Unity to the referenced assemblies.
- Write as
DefaultDebugPageBase.AddPageLinkButton<SystemInfoDebugPage>("System Info")
to add page link cell.
This is an extension package that links the Unity Debug Sheet with In-game Debug Console that is the OSS for displaying the console at runtime.
By this package, you can easily add a debug menu to display the console.
Usage is as follows.
- Install In-game Debug Console. (There are several ways to install.)
- (Only if you install 1. not via Package Manager) Add
to Scripting Define Symbols and restart Unity. - (Only if you use your own assembly) Add UnityDebugSheet.IngameDebugConsole to the referenced assemblies.
- Write as
DefaultDebugPageBase.AddPageLinkButton<IngameDebugConsoleDebugPage>("In-Game Debug Console", onLoad: x => x.page.Setup(DebugLogManager.Instance));
to add page link cell.
This is an extension package that links the Unity Debug Sheet with Graphy that is the OSS to display FPS, Memory, etc...
Usage is as follows.
- Install Graphy. (There are several ways to install.)
- (Only if you install 1. not via Package Manager) Add
to Scripting Define Symbols and restart Unity. - (Only if you use your own assembly) Add UnityDebugSheet.Graphy to the referenced assemblies.
- Write as
DefaultDebugPageBase.AddPageLinkButton<GraphyDebugPage>("Graphy", onLoad: x => x.page.Setup(GraphyManager.Instance));
to add page link cell.
This software is released under the MIT License. You are free to use it within the scope of the license, but the following copyright and license notices must be displayed when using it.
In addition, the table of contents of this document was created using the following software
The following software is used in the demo scenes.
See Third Party Notices.md for details on these licenses.