See my 🔗 portfolio.
[:html {}
[:body {}
[:h1.fancy#greetings "Hello, world! 🌅"]
[:script #(println "Yay 🎉")]]]
cte2dbt: ✨ Extract CTE from a large SQL query and split them iteratively into dbt models
closeable-map: State management with a
Clojure mapmalli-cli: ✨ Simple CLI apps from a metosin/malli config schema
slava: Avro codec and serde for Kafka Streams applications
dove: Infer Clojure specs and generators from any Avro specific schema class
walter-ci: ✨ GitHub Action-based automation for my personal projects
ephemeral-server: A small test server to catch http calls you don't mock
- poor-mans-distributed-cache: little poc to use KTable as a distributed cache