This repository is used for ETL code for medical transplant data from the UNOS Registry of transplants.
Data was downloaded from UNOS website after agreeing to Data Use Agreement. The data tables were in two formats:
- DAT (Flat file)
Because SAS is an absolute pain to deal with, and luckily pandas
in python has functions to deal with it, the first step is to convert it to SQLite for ease of manipulation.
Because these data files were so massive, I was unable to read the SAS files directly into memory for serialization. As a result, the SAS files needed to be 'chunked' into sizes of 10,000 rows. On each chunk, the columns were converted to string if they were written/saved as binary (If I ever have to work with SAS files again, I swear I am going to burst an aneurysm). Then, the rows were appended to a SQLite database for easy use.
Used to convert SAS files to table in a local SQLite database.
Used to extract all rows that correspond to the year 2010 from the database for initial visualization/exploration.