This repository is my implementation of paper "Virtual-to-real Deep Reinforcement Learning: Continuous Control of Mobile Robots for Mapless Navigation"
- I using a pioneer robot equip with SICK lidar navigative in office area ( ~10mx10m) in Coppeliasim. Agent learning to avoid collision and reaching target position.
- This project have used SAC implementation from 1 and some parts from my previous projects 2 and 3 and reference some hyper-parameter settings from 4
- Static environment ~ (10mx10m)
- Sampling 10 among 270 sensor of SICK TIM310
- State format: 10 laser range + 3 robot pose + 2 target position + 2 current twist (17)
- RL agent: Soft Actor critic
- Linear velocity range: (0,0.5), angular velocity range: (-1, 1), speed up v_left, v_right 4 time
- Navigate in dynamic environment
- This repo have some limitations, the goal position are not encode as relative position to robot, so robot only work well in pre-define region. The scenario setting is too easy which don't have obstacles.
- CoppeliaSim v4.5.1 linux
- ROS Noetic, rospy
- Launch
in one terminal before launch Coppeliasim in another terminal to make sure that CoppeliaSim can load ROS plugin properly - Open vrep_scenario/room_d1.ttt in CoppeliaSim
- Training using SAC
- Test pretrained model
- It took near 20 hour to complete 600k step on my laptop for both simulation and training neural net, model start converge from step 300k
- I got issue of action saturation when experimenting with SAC, after a few modify, issue have been fixed m5823779/motion-planner-reinforcement-learning#1
- [1] /~
- [2] /~
- [3] /~
- [4] /~
- [5] Tai, Lei, Giuseppe Paolo, and Ming Liu. "Virtual-to-real deep reinforcement learning: Continuous control of mobile robots for mapless navigation." 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE, 2017.