βοΈ Mobile Responsive
- Next.js (React)
- TypeScript
- Prisma (with MySQL)
- NextAuth
- Stripe
- Stitches
- RadixUI
- Vercel (Front-end)
- PlanetScale (BD)
git clone /~https://github.com/phpaulohenrique/ph-shop.git
npm install
//in root
npm run dev
If you want to contribute, clone this repo, create your work branch and get your hands dirty!
git clone /~https://github.com/phpaulohenrique/ph-shop.git
git checkout -b feature/NAME
At the end, open a Pull Request explaining the problem solved or feature made, if exists, append screenshot of visual modifications and wait for the review!
If you have any issues, please let me know in the issues section or directly to paulo.henrique1080p@gmail.com
This project is under MIT license