Apache Pig Latin Script to Convert EPrints XML to Graph GML files and geocoded CSV files
eartexte-convert.pig is the main Pig Latin script that converts EPrints XML data from e-artexte (http://e-artexte.ca)
pig -x local -param datafile="XML/data_humanist_photography.xml" eartexte-convert.pig
Gephi: https://gephi.org/
To increase the memory available for Gephi, see: https://gephi.org/users/install/#memory
File -> Open -> Select GML file
Statistics -> Run (Network Diameter) -> Select Undirected, Normalize Centralities in [0,1]
Statistics -> Run (Modularity)
Layout – Force Atlas 2 -> scaling (12, depending on size of network)
Appearance – Nodes -> Size -> Ranking -> Betweenness Centrality (5-20) on a spline
Appearance – Nodes -> Partition > Modularity Class
Optional Filters:
• Filters - > Topology > Giant Component
• Filters -> Topology -> Degree Range
• Filters –> Attributes -> Range -> Betweenness Centrality
• Filters -> Edges -> Edge Weight
Export -> Sigma.js Template -> fill in
Sigma Exporter /~https://github.com/oxfordinternetinstitute/gephi-plugins/tree/sigmaexporter-plugin
Cytoscape: http://www.cytoscape.org/
Import -> Network file > [choose CSV file from the /OUTPUT/EDGELISTS]
Tomasz Neugebauer (tomasz.neugebauer@concordia.ca) Digital Projects & Systems Development Librarian at Concordia University in Montreal
MIT License