A curated list of resources related to e-graphs, equality saturation, and their applications. Contributions are welcome! Thanks to Yihong Zhang for the initial list.
- egg
- egglog
- egglog-python
- snake-egg
- Metatheory.jl Julia Library
- hegg Haskell library
- ego OCaml library
- quiche
- egraphs.cpp
- eqsat
- eggmt
- ekege
- Eqlog
- GATlab
- marktoberdorf-egglog
- egraph-sqlite
- egglog-speedrun
- Fast Decision Procedures Based on Congruence Closure
- Proof-Producing Congruence Closure
- Efficient E-matching for SMT Solvers
- The Chase Revisited
- egg Fast and Extensible Equality Saturation
- egglog Better Together: Unifying Datalog and Equality Saturation
- Small Proofs from Congruence Closure
- Colored E-Graphs arxiv
- Slotted E-Graphs
- E-Graphs, VSAs, and Tree Automata: a Rosetta Stone
- An Evaluation Algorithm for Datalog with Equality
- Algebraic Semantics of Datalog with Equality
- Semantic foundations of equality saturation
A reverse search on the egg paper on Google Scholar is a good way to stay up to date
ROVER: Combining Power and Arithmetic Optimization via Datapath Rewriting. ARITH 2024.
Infinity Stream: Portable and Programmer-Friendly In-/Near-Memory Fusion. ASPLOS 2023.
Lakeroad FPGA Technology Mapping Using Sketch-Guided Program Synthesis repo
SEER Super-Optimization Explorer for High-Level Synthesis using E-graph Rewriting
ESFO Equality Saturation for FIRRTL Optimization
There and Back Again A Netlist's Tale with Much Egraphin'
E-Syn Eqsat framework for technology-aware logic synthesis
Ruler: Rewrite Rule Inference Using Equality Saturation. OOPSLA 2021. Distinguished paper.
CCLemma: E-Graph Guided Lemma Discovery for Inductive Equational Proofs. ICFP 2024.
enumo: Equality Saturation Theory Exploration à la Carte. OOPSLA 2023.
babble: Learning Better Abstractions with E-Graphs and Anti-unification. POPL 2023.
MegaLibm: Implementation and Synthesis of Math Library Functions. POPL 2024. Distinguished paper.
Isaria: Automatic Generation of Vectorizing Compilers for Customizable Digital Signal Processors. ASPLOS 2024. Best paper.
srtree A supporting library for tree-based symbolic regression
Herbie: Automatically Improving Accuracy for Floating Point Expressions.
PLDI 2015. Distinguished paper. -
Felix: Optimizing Tensor Programs with Gradient Descent. ASPLOS 2024.
aegraphs: Acyclic E-graphs for Efficient Optimization in a Production Compiler https://vimeo.com/843540328
Sketch-Guided Equality Saturation: Scaling Equality Saturation to Complex Optimizations of Functional Programs
peggy Equality Saturation: A New Approach to Optimization
optir RVSDG optimizing intermediate representation
Denali A practical algorithm for generating optimal code
Glenside Pure Tensor Program Rewriting via Access Patterns
SPORES sum-product optimization via relational equality saturation for large scale linear algebra
∇SD: A Tensor Algebra Compiler for Sparse Differentiation. CGO 2024.
TenSat: Equality Saturation for Tensor Graph Superoptimization. MLSys 2021.
PolyJuice: Detecting Mis-compilation Bugs in Tensor Compilers with Equality Saturation Based Rewriting. OOPSLA 2024.
RisingLight: Write a SQL Optimizer using Egg. EGRAPHS 2023.
Hydro: Optimizing Stateful Dataflow with Local Rewrites. EGRAPHS 2023.
SpEQ: Translation of Sparse Codes using Equivalences
ACC Saturator : Automatic Kernel Optimization for Directive-Based GPU Code
Q-gym: An Equality Saturation Framework for DNN Inference Exploiting Weight Repetition
Diospyros: Vectorization for Digital Signal Processors via Equality Saturation. ASPLOS 2021.
Chassis : Target-Aware Implementation of Real Expressions
Optimizing Tensor Computation Graphs with Equality Saturation and Monte Carlo Tree Search
Latent Idiom Recognition for a Minimalist Functional Array Language Using Equality Saturation
- Most SMT solvers have an e-matching egraph implementation in them
- lean-egg: An Equality Saturation Tactic for Lean. Thesis 2023. (repo)
- KestRel: Relational Verification Using E-Graphs for Program Alignment. EGRAPHS 2023.
- cyclegg
- coq congruence
- Fast Approximations of Quantifier Elimination
- Congruence Closure in Intensional Type Theory
- Congruence Closure in Cubical Type Theory
- ZOMBIE: Programming up to Congruence
- GATlab: Modeling and Programming with Generalized Algebraic Theories
- Transforming Optimization Problems into Disciplined Convex Programming Form
- Coquetier a simplification tactic for our Coq toolbox
- Juniper Lean + egg CAS
YOGO Semantic Code Search via Equational Reasoning
VyZX: Formal Verification of a Graphical Quantum Language with automated structural rewrites.
Thesis 2023. -
Szalinski: Synthesizing Structured CAD Models with Equality Saturation and Inverse Transformations.
PLDI 2020. -
Maletskyi and Shymanskyi: Genome Compression Using Program Synthesis.
IDDM 2023. -
Cornelius: Equivalent and redundant mutant detection with e-graphs!!!
MetaEmu: An Architecture Agnostic Rehosting Framework for Automotive Firmware.
CCS 2022. -
wasm-evasion: WebAssembly diversification for malware evasion.
COSE 2023. -
Guided Equality Saturation: Improve performance/capabilities by using guides in a semi-automatic equality saturation process. POPL 2024.
Novel Algorithms for Computing Correlation Functions of Nuclei
Pointers to the actual files are preferred. Human readable tables and imperative implementations are ok. It is all on a spectrum. A goal is to move these rules into more declarative and machine executable forms. Often files are in benchmarks or test directories
See Where are all the rewrite rules?
- https://personal.math.ubc.ca/~cbm/aands/ Abramowitz and Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical Functions
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summation#Identities
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_trigonometric_identities
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_set_identities_and_relations
- https://gappa.gitlabpages.inria.fr/gappa/theorems.html Gappa floating point rules
- /~https://github.com/Boolector/boolector/blob/master/src/btorrewrite.c Boolector rewrites
- /~https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/tree/main/passes/opt Yosys opt
- /~https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine LLVM InstCombine peephole optimizations
- /~https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra/blob/2eff37f655159574593b15bc19273915fc780cf2/Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/src/decompile/cpp/rulecompile.cc Ghidra rewrites
- /~https://github.com/egraphs-good/egg/tree/main/tests egg test files
- /~https://github.com/egraphs-good/egglog/tree/main/tests Egglog test files
- /~https://github.com/uwplse/ruler/tree/main/tests Ruler
- /~https://github.com/herbie-fp/herbie/blob/main/src/core/rules.rkt Herbie floating point rules
- https://rulebasedintegration.org/ Rubi rule based integration
- https://fungrim.org/ The Mathematical Functions Grimoire
- https://www.philipzucker.com/rust-category/ Category theory
- /~https://github.com/mgree/katbury Kleene Algebra
- /~https://github.com/philzook58/Catlab.jl/blob/master/src/theories/Monoidal.jl Catlab.jl category theory
- https://gitlab.com/haroldaptroot/haroldbot/-/blob/main/prooffinder.js?ref_type=heads Bitvector rewrites
- /~https://github.com/TermCOMP/TPDB The termination competition
- https://sourcesup.renater.fr/scm/viewvc.php/rec/2019-CONVECS/ Rewrite engine competition
- /~https://github.com/bytekid/mkbtt/tree/master/input mkbtt Knuth Bendix completion solver tests
- https://www.tptp.org/ TPTP UEQ. How to collect these up?
- /~https://github.com/nick8325/twee/tree/master/tests Twee Tests
- /~https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint/blob/master/data/hlint.yaml HLint
- /~https://github.com/golang/go/tree/master/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/_gen Go compiler
- /~https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/main/cranelift/codegen/src/isa/riscv64/inst.isle Cranelift Riscv64 isle
- /~https://github.com/cvc5/cvc5/blob/main/src/theory/bv/rewrites CVC5 RARE files
- /~https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/master/gcc/match.pd GCC rewrites
- /~https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/mlir/lib/Dialect/Arith/IR/ArithCanonicalization.td MLIR Canonicalizer files
- /~https://github.com/cucapra/diospyros/blob/master/src/dios-egraphs/src/rules.rs Diospyros
- /~https://github.com/halide/Halide/blob/2e36da4d7631464272640a2126854748da299d54/src/Simplify_Sub.cpp Halide Simplify_* files
- /~https://github.com/Bastacyclop/egg-sketches/blob/main/examples/bench_tiling.rs
- /~https://github.com/rise-lang/shine/blob/main/src/main/scala/rise/eqsat/rules.scala RiSE scheduling
- /~https://github.com/uwplse/tensat/blob/master/src/rewrites.rs Tensat
- /~https://github.com/yihozhang/szalinski-egglog/tree/main/egglog_src/rules Szalinski egglog
- /~https://github.com/caviar-trs/caviar/tree/main/src/rules Caviar rules
- /~https://github.com/mrocklin/matrix-algebra Matrix algebra in Maude
- /~https://github.com/risinglightdb/risinglight/blob/main/src/planner/rules/plan.rs RisingLight DB
- https://gist.github.com/manasij7479/2ad0f7f058503ae60de30e4bfb30c917 Hydra peephole rules
- /~https://github.com/ADAPT-uiuc/TensorRight/tree/master/rules TensorRight
- /~https://github.com/gussmith23/glenside/blob/main/src/language/rewrites.rs Glenside
- extraction-gym
- E-Graphs as Circuits, and Optimal Extraction via Treewidth
- Notes on the scheduling and extraction problems of EqSat
- Answer Set Programming for E-Graph DAG extraction
- Fast and Optimal Extraction for Sparse Equality Graphs
- SmoothE Differentiable E-Graph Extraction
- egg: Fast and Extensible Equality Saturation
- Better Together: Unifying Datalog and Equality Saturation (PLDI 2023)
- egglog Tutorial (EGRAPHS 2023) | Next Generation Egraphs
- egglog: E-Graphs in Python
- ægraphs: Acyclic E-graphs for Efficient Optimization in a Production Compiler
- E-Graphs and Automated Reasoning: Looking Back to Look Forward
- The e-graph data structure: A gradual introduction
- The Theoretical Aspect of Equality Saturation
- Acyclic Egraphs and Smart Constructors
- Gauss and Groebner Egraphs: Intrinsic Linear and Polynomial Equations
- What's in an e-graph?
- Improving MBA Deobfuscation using Equality Saturation
- Automating Transport with Univalent E-Graphs
- Co-Egraphs: Streams, Unification, PEGs, Rational Lambdas
- Binding in E-graphs