Bloc is a low-level UI infrastructure & framework for Pharo.
The project can be loaded as usual via Metacello, using the BaselineOfBloc
specification. To copy/paste a loading script. Use the following script to install stable Bloc in stable Pharo:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Bloc';
repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Bloc:master/src';
You can replace master by:
- dev to work on the development branch
- v2.2.0 to load latest released version Add this project to your Baseline with:
spec baseline: 'Bloc' with: [ spec repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Bloc:v2.2.0/src' ].
These pages can be browsed via Pharo IDE -> World Menu -> Help -> Documentation Browser -> Bloc/doc (after loading the project). Note that there is also a book under writing available at /~
Want to write us? you are welcome! you can either:
- Join the mailing-list from
- Chat via Discord in the #bloc channel of the Pharo server
We describe our contribution workflow & branch name convention in this wiki page.
This code is licensed under the MIT license.