MAC Telnet Client RouterOS A Python-based MAC Telnet Client that connects to devices using MAC addresses for authentication. This client implements the required protocol to establish a telnet session with the target device.
Secure Authentication: Utilizes elliptic curve cryptography for secure authentication.
Control Packet Handling: Efficient handling of control packets for various operations.
Terminal Integration: Supports terminal interactions with character-by-character input processing.
Keep-Alive Mechanism: Maintains session with periodic keep-alive messages.
Signal Handling: Graceful handling of termination signals and special key presses like Ctrl+C and Tab.
Python 3.7+
Linux, or Windows
Clone the repository and navigate into the project directory:
git clone /~
cd mac-telnet-client
Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the MAC Telnet Client with the following command:
python [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] <MAC_ADDRESS> #for Windows
python3 [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] <MAC_ADDRESS> #for Linux
MAC_ADDRESS: The MAC address of the device to connect to (format: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX).
-u, --username: (Optional) The username for authentication. If not provided, the user will be prompted.
-p, --password: (Optional) The password for authentication. If not provided, the user will be prompted.
python -u admin -p secret AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
Interactive Usage
If the username and/or password are not provided via command-line arguments, the client will prompt the user to enter them.
Special Key Bindings
Ctrl+C: Sends a stop command to the device.
Ctrl+BREAK: Sends a signal closing session to the device.
Tab: Sends a tab key press to the device.
Technical Details
Control Packet Structure
The client communicates using specific control packet types for various operations:
CP_BEGIN_AUTHENTICATION: Initiates authentication.
CP_ENCRYPTION_KEY: Exchanges encryption keys.
CP_PASSWORD: Sends the hashed password for authentication.
CP_USERNAME: Sends the username for authentication.
CP_TERMINAL_TYPE: Specifies the terminal type.
CP_TERMINAL_WIDTH: Specifies the terminal width.
CP_TERMINAL_HEIGHT: Specifies the terminal height.
CP_END_AUTHENTICATION: Ends the authentication phase.
Message Types
SYS_START_SESSION: Starts a session with the target device.
SYS_DATA: Sends data to the device.
SYS_ACKNOWLEDGE: Acknowledges received packets.
SYS_END_SESSION: Ends the session.
We welcome contributions to enhance the functionality of this MAC Telnet Client. Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your improvements. or open a issue to add improvements in code
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3. See the LICENSE file for details.