This is a simple resistor color code decoder for HP35s calculator. It supports 4, 5 or 6 bands. The program displays simple menu with abbreviated colro names.
To select color of a band press number corresponding to the color and confirm by [R/S]. To display next part of the menu press [R/S] without any number. To calculate the value pass through all the menus without entering any number [R/S][R/S][R/S].
The result is pushed to X stack register and sldo pushed to R register.
Let's say resistor whose resistance you want to decode is ths one:
- Run the program
and press [ENTER].
- Menu with color code is displayed
BLK stands for black, BWN is brown, RED is red.
- As the color of first band is brown press "2":
and confirm by pressing [R/S]. The value of the first band is stored and menu is displayed again:
- Second band is black. Press "1"
and confirm by [R/S]. Menu is displayed again:
- Third band is orange, but this color doesn't appear in the menu. Press [R/S] button to display second part of the menu:
ONG here stand for orange, YLW is yellow and GRN is for green. For orange press "4" and confirm by [R/S]. First menu is displayed again.
- As this was last band jump through all the menu with [R/S] to display the result:
press [R/S]
press [R/S]
press [R/S]
- And voilá! Result is displayed
10 kΩ