Work in progress!
Runs a script on file save for a given pattern.
E.g. with this setup, you can live reload your go server when any .go file changes:
pattern = '%.go$',
exec = 'go run main.go',
-- telescope (and so plenary) is optional, but it's needed for "LiveReloadBuffers":
dependencies = {
{ 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', tag = '0.1.8' },
config = function()
require('live-reload').setup {}
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ls', ':LiveReloadStart<CR>', { desc = '[L]ive reload [S]tart', silent = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>lt', ':LiveReloadState<CR>', { desc = '[L]ive reload s[T]ate', silent = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>lb', ':LiveReloadBuffers<CR>', { desc = '[L]ive reload [B]uffers', silent = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>lp', ':LiveReloadStop<CR>', { desc = '[L]ive reload sto[P]', silent = true })
You can use a lua config file for your project. You need to create live-reload.lua
at the root directory of your project. This file must return a runner list.
E.g. ~/my-project/live-reload.lua
---@class Runner
---@field pattern? string
---@field callback? fun(filename: string): boolean
---@field once? boolean
---@field exec string
---@return Runner[]
local dir = vim.fn.expand("~") .. "/my-project/"
local tw_config = dir .. "tailwind.config.js"
local tw_input = dir .. "tailwind.base.css"
local tw_output = dir .. "style.css"
local tw_fn = "tailwindcss -c " .. tw_config .. " -i " .. tw_input .. " -o " .. tw_output .. " --watch"
---@type Runner[]
local runners = {
once = true,
exec = tw_fn,
once = true,
exec = "templ generate -v --watch",
pattern = "%.go$",
exec = "go run cmd/*.go",
callback = function(filename)
if some_funcion(filename) then
return true
return false
exec = "",
return runners
: startLiveReloadStop
: stopLiveReloadState
: print stateLiveReloadBuffers
: select running terminals with telescope