Option | Parameters | Description |
-s | [DeviceSerialNumber] | sends the command to the specified device |
-a | sends the command to all connected devices (this will override -s) |
Command | Parameters | Description |
dev | adb devices & fastboot devices | |
ds | launches Developer Settings | |
elog | [PackageName] | adb logcat -v threadtime -b events (and filters for a specific package name if specified) |
frb | fastboot reboot | |
gitdf | checks whether your git working directory has any unstaged changes (using git diff-files) | |
gitdi | checks whether your git working directory has any staged but uncommitted changes (using git diff-index) | |
gitdr | checks whether your git local branch HEAD differs from the remote | |
gitum | updates your local master branch with the latest remote master | |
gp | [SearchString] | adb shell getprop (and filters using a search string if specified) |
help | display this manual | |
helpmd | display this manual in markdown format | |
k | [PackageName|PID] | kill application with the specified package name or PID (Note: Killing by PID only works on rooted devices) |
l | <PackageName|ComponentName> | adb shell am start |
loc | launches Locale Settings | |
log | adb logcat -v threadtime | |
loge | adb logcat -v threadtime *:e | |
pid | [PackageName|SearchString] | get PID (process id) by full or partial package name |
pkg | [SearchString] | List all installed packages or all matching a specified name |
play | <PackageName> | opens the Play Store page for the package name |
plog | [PackageName] | filters logcat output for a specific package name |
pmc | [PackageName] | clears data for the specified application |
ras | Restores your SDK source to its original contents | |
rb | adb reboot | |
rbb | adb reboot bootloader | |
sas | <CompileSdkVersion> <AndroidSdkSourceToUse> | Backs up your compileSdkVersion's source, and replaces it with another version's source |
scp | [MaxDimensions] <ScreenshotSavePath> | captures screenshot from device and saves it to the designated path |
scr | <ScreenRecordingSavePath> | captures screen recording and saves it to the designated path |
sh | [OptionalAdbShellCommands] | adb shell with optional commands |
swd | simulates a swipe gesture from top to bottom | |
swl | simulates a swipe gesture from right to left | |
swr | simulates a swipe gesture from left to right | |
swu | simulates a swipe gesture from bottom to top | |
tap | <x> <y> | adb shell input tap |
u | <PackageName> | adb uninstall |
view | <URI> | sends an 'android.intent.action.VIEW' intent to open the specified URI |