This .NET and React-based application is designed to help users manage and track their expenses and incomes effectively. The goal is to provide a comprehensive solution for organizing financial transactions, generating reports, and offering additional premium features for an enhanced user experience.
Email address:
Password: password
- Last week summary - Chart
- Last 5 expense changes + graphical change in relation to the highest expense cost amount
- Last 5 income changes + graphical change in relation to the highest income cost amount
- Menu to navigate to expense and income group list pages
- Customized plans for your financial journey
- Testimonials section
- Frequently asked questions(FAQ) section
- Newsletter section
- Footer with related links
Income/Expense List Page
- Table
- Id
- Name(description)
- Amount
- Group
- Edit and delete buttons
- Checkbox button to select all available incomes/expenses
- Delete icon button to delete all available incomes/expenses
- Sorting arrows to sort all available incomes/expenses
- Button to add income/expense through popup
- Search input field for searching incomes/expenses
- Filter dropdown to filter incomes/expenses
- Available filter options: Min amount, max amount and filter by income/expense group(name)
- Button to export stats to email
- Pagination options to paginate incomes/expenses
- "Rows per page" feature to show certain amount of incomes/expenses
- Table
Income/Expense Edit Popup
- Editable name field
- Editable description field
- Editable amount field
- Editable income group field
- Save button
- Cancel button
Income/Expense Delete Popup
- Save button
- Cancel button
Income/Expense Group List Page
- Table
- Id
- Name
- Description
- Edit and delete buttons
- Checkbox button to select all available income/expense groups
- Delete icon button to delete all available income/expense groups
- Sorting arrows to sort all available income/expense groups
- Button to add income/expense group through popup
- Pagination options to paginate income/expense groups
- "Rows per page" feature to show certain amount of income/expense groups
- Delete modal with confirmation and cancel option
- Clickable income/expense group name which goes to details page
- Table
Income/Expense Group Edit Popup
- Editable name field
- Editable description field
- Save button
- Cancel button
Income/Expense Group Delete Popup
- Save button
- Cancel button
Income/Expense Group Details Page
- Name
- Description
- Last 5 account changes for that group
- Breadcrumb for easy navigation
Reminders (Premium Feature inside Profile Settings)
- Button to create reminder through a popup
- Details of currently set reminder on the dashboard
- Breadcrumb for easy navigation
Reminder Delete Popup
- Save button
- Cancel button
- Blogs (Premium Feature)
- Button to create blog through a popup
- Cards with all available blogs
- Breadcrumb for easy navigation
- Blog Delete Popup
- Save button
- Cancel button
- Blog Details Page
- Title
- Description
- Author
- Created at date
- Body
- Breadcrumb for easy navigation
Backend Pipeline:
Enable tests in the .NET project.
Frontend Pipeline:
Build the project.
Email Notification:
Send pipeline status emails to a predefined list of recipients, focusing only on failed pipelines.
Automatically register users who sign up for the newsletter to the connected Mailchimp audience.
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2025