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Port TokuDB to Web Scale SQL 5.6

RIch Prohaska edited this page Apr 3, 2014 · 1 revision


Run a basic version of the TokuDB storage engine inside Web Scale SQL.

Checkout the code

git clone
git clone
pushd tokudb-engine/storage/tokudb
git clone
pushd ft-index/third_party
git clone
pushd webscalesql-5.6/storage
ln -s ../../tokudb-engine/storage/tokudb


Add throw() to the madvise declaration in include/my_global.h. Why not import this function declaration from a system header file?


  • Enable POSIX real time clock functionality for TokuDB with the _XOPEN_SOURCE=500 cmake variable.
  • Turn off the build of TokuDB test programs with the BUILD_TESTING cmake variable.
  • Turn on the TokuDB no patch configuration with the TOKUDB_NOPATCH_CONFIG cmake variable.


Install the TokuDB plugin.

install plugin tokudb soname '';


mysql> create table t (id int primary key) engine=tokudb;
mysql> insert into t values (1),(2),(3),(4);
mysql> show table status\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           Name: t
         Engine: TokuDB
        Version: 10
     Row_format: Fixed
           Rows: 4
 Avg_row_length: 5
    Data_length: 20
Max_data_length: 9223372036854775807
   Index_length: 0
      Data_free: 0
 Auto_increment: NULL
    Create_time: 2014-03-28 19:28:31
    Update_time: 2014-03-28 19:28:31
     Check_time: NULL
      Collation: latin1_swedish_ci
       Checksum: NULL

Missing patches

  • Tokutek's patch that statically links jemallloc into mysqld is missing, so jemalloc is NOT linked into mysqld. This may cause TokuDB to not stay within a reasonable memory footprint. The jemalloc library needs to be preloaded into mysqld.
  • Tokutek's patch that adds several tokudb compression algorithms to the row format is missing, so Zlib compression is the default compression for TokuDB tables. The 'tokudb_row_format' session variable can be used to change the default TokuDB table compression prior to a table creation.
  • Multiple clustering keys per table require a Tokutek patch to mysqld.
  • Upsert optimizations require a Tokutek patch to mysqld.
  • SQL bench requires a Tokutek patch to run the benchmarks.
  • MySQL test requires a Tokutek patch to run the TokuDB tests.


  • My tool chain (devtoolset-1.1 on CentOS 6.2) can not build webscalesql-5.6.17 because of an issue with sql_yacc.yy. Investigate bison.
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