Dockerize your PHP or npm apps in one click ;)
To use it:
- Run these commands in your terminal:
$ git clone /~
$ cd easydock/easydock
$ docker-compose up
- Visit http://localhost
- Push your web files into /public (as required by Laravel, ReactJS, ...)
- In you need MySql DB use access data written in /easydock/.env file
- If you need you can customize /easydock/.env parameters and re-run the project
Easydock comes with ngnix, PHP (last stable version) and MySql 5.7
Docker, Docker Compose, (GIT)
"docker-compose up", "docker-compose down" and "docker system prune -a"
Thank you for considering contributing to this project!
If you discover a security vulnerability within Easydock, please send an e-mail to Andrea Pollastri via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
Easydock is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.