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Terraform module to manage AWS Auto Scaling groups, with ALB support


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Module terraform_aws_asg provides an AWS autoscaling group, optionally hooked into an Application Load Balancer. This module will create the ASG for you along with the launch configruation and a security group for the instances. Traffic will be automatically allowed into the ASG from the ALB if you elect to attach it.

Extensive options also exist for controlling various parts of the ASG, launch configuration, and ALB targets. Check the variables for more details.

Note that this module depends on the terraform_aws_security_group module found here:


You may also be interested in the terraform_aws_vpc and terraform_aws_alb modules found at the URLs below:



Usage Example:

module "vpc" {
  source                  = ""
  vpc_network_address     = ""
  public_subnet_addresses = ["", ""]
  project_path            = "your/project"

module "alb" {
  source              = ""
  listener_subnet_ids = ["${module.vpc.public_subnet_ids}"]
  project_path        = "your/project"

module "autoscaling_group" {
  source             = ""
  subnet_ids         = ["${module.vpc.public_subnet_ids}"]
  image_filter_value = "test_image"
  alb_listener_arn   = "${module.alb.alb_listener_arn}"
  project_path       = "your/project"

CPU Threshold Note

Note that the defaults for CPU thresholds in the ASG are set to a 2%/9% level based on the assumption that burstable instances will be used - these instances work off of credits to burst their performance, past this, CPU usage will cap out at a pre-determined value based on your instance type. If the minimum threshold for the increase capacity policy is set past this, it's likely that the policies will become ineffective in scaling the group after the credits are used up.

Hence, for burstable ASGs (anything in the T2 family as of this writing), it's best to use the defaults, adjusting the minimum threshold to account for the ASG's at-rest CPU usage. For fixed performance ASGs, the thresholds can be adjusted accordingly.

For more information on burstable instances, see:


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_security_group_ids List of additional security groups to assign to the instances in addition to the security group created by this module. list <list> no
alb_health_check_interval The time to wait between ALB health checks. Note that this number needs to be lower than health_check_timeout. string 10 no
alb_health_check_timeout The time to wait before marking the ALB health check as failed. Note that this number needs to be lower than health_check_interval. string 3 no
alb_health_check_uri The health check URI to add as the ALB health check. string / no
alb_listener_arn The ARN Application Load Balancer (ALB) Listner to attach this ASG to. If you are not using ALB or will be attaching outside of the module, do not specify this value. string `` no
alb_path_patterns A list of URIs to attach to the ALB as target rules, if one is specified. list <list> no
alb_rule_number The rule number for the ALB attachment. This rule cannot conflict with other attachments. string 100 no
alb_service_port The service port that the ASG will be listening on for ALB attachments. string 80 no
alb_stickiness_duration The LB stickiness expiration period. This configures LB stickiness, aka session persistence, on the side of the load balancer. Use when the application is not LB-aware on its own. When not specified, the default value is 1 second. Note that zero or negative values will result in an error. string `` no
alb_target_protocol The ALB target protocol. Can be one of HTTP or HTTPS. string HTTP no
associate_public_ip_address Map a public IP address to the launched instances in the auto-scaling group. Note that this will fail if the subnet you are using is not attached to an internet gateway. string false no
enable_alb true if you are attaching this autoscaling group to an Application Load Balancer (ALB). string false no
extra_depends_on Extra dependencies to hook into the aws_autoscaling_group resource in this module. This value should be a string that contains interpolations from the resources you want to add as dependencies. string `` no
extra_instance_tags A list of additional tag key/values to add to the autoscaling group. These are supplied as per the tag parameter parameter in the aws_autoscaling_group resource. This is in addition to the tag added by supplying project_path. These tags only get added to the autoscaling group and the instances it launches, and only if propagate_at_launch is set to true in the supplied maps (this is the only useful value to supply). list <list> no
image_filter_type The image filter type. Can be one of the filter types specified here. string tag no
image_filter_value The image filter value to look for. string - yes
image_owner The account to search for the image in. This defaults to "self", but can be either this, numeric account ID, or "amazon". string self no
image_tag_name The image tag name to look for, if image_filter_type is "tag" string image_type no
instance_profile_name The name of an instance profile to associate with launched instances. string `` no
instance_type The EC2 instance type. string t2.micro no
key_pair_name The name of a key pair to launch the ASG instances with.

Note that this should not be configured in a production environment - this is mainly supposed to be used for development and troubleshooting in sandbox and QA.
string `` no
max_cpu Max threshold where instances start being created, in percent. string 9 no
max_instance_count The maximum amount of instances in the group string 2 no
min_cpu Low threshold before instances start being deleted, in percent. string 2 no
min_instance_count The minimum amount of instances in the group. string 2 no
project_path The path of the project in VCS. string `` no
restrict_outbound_traffic Restrict outbound traffic on the ASG's security group. By default, this is false, meaning that all traffic outbound from the instance (ie: to package repositories, S3, etc) is enabled. Set this to true if you require tighter security on the traffic originating from the ASG and plan on adding your own outbound rules. string false no
subnet_ids The subnet IDs to place the autoscaling group in. list - yes
user_data User data, either a cloud-config YAML file or a shell script, to load into the instance. For more information see here and here. string `` no


Name Description
alb_listener_rule_arn The ARN of the created ALB listener rule, if one was created.
alb_target_group_arn The ARN of the created ALB target group, if one was created.
autoscaling_decrease_capacity_policy_arn The ARN of the autoscaling group's decrase capacity policy.
autoscaling_group_id The ID of the created autoscaling group.
autoscaling_increase_capacity_policy_arn The ARN of the autoscaling group's increase capacity policy.
instance_security_group_id The ID of the created instance security group.


Terraform module to manage AWS Auto Scaling groups, with ALB support








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