This project aims at detecting annoying filler sounds in an audio with help of machine learning.
Depedencies are managed with poetry
. Install poetry using instructions and then install dependencies by executing this in the project folder:
$ poetry install
I labeled the data myself while editing my friend/client's podcast as a side hustle. There are a total of 67 audio tracks (22.3 GB) and text files with labels. The labels show start and end timestamps of the audio with filler sounds.
- Language: Spanish
- Format: Waveform audio
- Sampling rate: 48k, 16 bit
While preprocessing, we split the data into equally long frames. Each frame is mapped to not-filler/filler. Possibly, a hopping window can be used.
To decide what frame is a filler, we look at the proportion of its duration that is occupied by filler and if it's above an arbitrary threshold (I picked 80% to begin with), it will be labeled as such.
Window and hopping length can be adjusted after evaluation to find the optimal tradeoff between processing speed and performance.
The audio frames are transformed into Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs). It tells us what frequencies were most activated during the speech, creating a kind of compressed spectrogram. It represents the audio clip in a way that is similar to how we humans perceive sound, which makes MFCC a very popular feature in speech recognition systems.
To choose an appropriate window and hop length for our data preprocessing, we have to consider the target distribution.
The filler sound length seems to follow a log-normal distribution.
Turns out in 95% of fillers last longer than 0.279 sec. A good fit for window length, therefore, would be anything below sample_rate * 0.279
. Given that we down-sample the audio from 48k samples/sec to 8k, we get 2232
samples per window. We'll round that number to 2048
To evaluate the models, I followed a few principles:
- Use different speakers in training & evaluation. This will ensure the model learns to detect filler sounds well for new speakers.
- Use the same threshold to decide what proportion of filler sound in a frame makes it labeled as
(80%). - Use a suitable evaluation metric for imbalanced datasets. Average precision (AP) score (area under the Precision-Recall Curve) seemed to be the best choice. It 1) is independent of the cutoff threshold and 2) focuses on the minority class and therefore is suitable for imbalanced datasets.
I tried out training two models: LightGBM & a multi-layer perceptron. Perceptron beats LightGBM after some fine-tuning.
| Model | Avg. precision score | F1 |
| LightGBM | 0.103 | 0.114 |
| Multi-layer perceptron | 0.121 | 0.205 |
Before jumping into deep learning, I trained a LightGBM model with reasonable default parameters to establish some baseline.
| Avg. precision score | F1 |
| 0.103 | 0.114 |
Then I picked multi-layer perceptron as the first neural model to train. After hyperparameter tuning, the model beats the LightGBM on both F1 and AP scores.
| Avg. precision score | F1 |
| 0.121 | 0.205 |
- Tune training configuration: Tweak other parameters in
such as the window length & hop length of frames as well as labeling threshold. - Treat input data as time series: So far, each audio frame was treated as individual independent training example. However, it is hard to tell if a small piece of audio is a filler sound without context. Speech is actually a time series where order matters. I suspect that passing a sequence of audio frames instead of just one per training example would improve the results. RNN models such as LSTM can be used.
- Sushi method: Pass raw data with no preprocessing to the neural network.
Until now, using the model isn't practically useful. Multi-layer perceptron will cut a lot of good sound, whereas LightGBM will leave a lot of filler sounds untouched.