A web application developed for the detection of plagiarism in two submissions of code files.
Team Members:
- Praveen Kumar Singh
- Parshva Shah
- Namrata Bilurkar
In order to run this project on your local machine, follow the steps below.
- Open the terminal
- Perform $git clone /~https://github.com/parshva45/Plagiarism-Detector at the location where you want the project.
- Navigate to the base location, the place where the pom file exists in the terminal, and perform
- $mvn spring-boot:run
Project URL: Plagiariam Detector
Course staff Username: coursestaff
Password: password
Student UserName : user1
Student password : user1
- Presentation Video: Youtube-Presentation
- Demo Video: Youtube-Demo-Link
- System Setup Video: Youtube-System-Setup-Link